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Dear, My beloved Tobias Cavanaugh,

I sit here in our master bedroom without you here it's cold,dark, and isolated, it still has your wood shaving smell mixed with my vanilla perfume. I hold onto this paper with dear life knowing you'll never be here with me and our baby girl, you'll never hold me, kiss me, love me. I found out today that were having a baby girl, our baby girl. You always wanted a baby girl, so she would be a daddy's girl, with your sandy blond hair, and baby blue eyes, and your kind-hearted personality.

Remember the day you came home on our anniversary, we had your favourite meal, we watched movies, and had a few passionate kisses, that lead into something else. That's how our baby girl was made,though love. I remember standing in our house you built with your bare hands, hours after hours of hard work to make our dream home. Standing in our bedroom, the stick in my hand, I was crying, not crying out of anger or sadness, but of pure love and joy. You came up behind me and instantly there was a smile brought to your face.
"Your going to be a daddy" I told you, you kissed me o so lovingly. It was was of the best days of my life.

It was the day that changed both our life's. I remember it like it was yesterday, we were given the news, you had cancer and even worse there was a 50% chance you would love and a 50% chance you would die. And you were in the 50% die. You told me ' I'm not going anywhere, I'll be there for our baby and you all be stuck with me for as long as we both shall live'. As time went on my bump grew but so did your cancer, you grew weaker and weaker each day. I still hoped that I would wake up and the part about you having cancer wouldn't be true. We would sit in our garden wrapped up in each other watching the most beautiful sunsets set, I had ever seen set. You would put your warm, big hands on my stomach and whisper sweet things to our baby, we would talk about our future and what things we would like to do. I told you all I wonted was for you not to die, now your gone, and we're both alone. It was the 24-12-18 Christmas Eve, you took your final breath. I felt. U heart rip into millions of shattered pieces. You were holding my hand and your other was on my stomach you whispered ' I love you never forget that' to me then your eyes closed and your chest stopped rising and falling, the heart monitor flat lined, I knew you were gone but never forgotten.

Your gone but I'll never forget you. Our baby girl she's the cutest thing, she has your hair and eyes. Her smile is h e most effective thing I know on this planet, her smile covers her whole face like when you found out you were going to be a daddy. I miss you like crazy, there's not a day that goes by of when I don't think of you. I wear the necklace you got for me for Christmas, the same Christmas you left me and Willow, the necklace sits right above my heart were you are, the photo of us on our wedding day brings so much happiness to me. As I write this letter you have been gone for 4 months, I sit here in our cold, quiet, and isolated bedroom writing this letter to you as the sun sets outside, the tree we used to sit under is blossomed, the tears in my eyes are about to explode like a waterfall that had been released. I miss you like crazy, but I know I'll see u soon, where we can be together, happy, and forever.

Love from your Spencer and Willow.


Funny story about this one shot is that i wrote this in my English exam and had different names for Toby and Spencer, Hope you enjoyed this one shot. ill try and update soon, but im lazy so who knows. Updating other books soon. Bxo

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