Episode 2 (part 4)

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"After them," said Meliodas running after the creatures as the other started to follow him until he stopped and turned around to face the group"Oh right! Akemi come over here a second."

Akemi looked in confusion at Meliodas but did as he asked as he pulls out two items from his pocket.

"Here, you might need these," said Meliodas handing the items to Akemi who looks down to see...

"THIS IS MY MISSING BRA AND PANTIES" yelled Akemi in embarrassment looking at Meliodas

"Huh," asked Elizabeth in confusion walking over to Akemi to see her undergarments in her hands "Why did he have them? And how did he get them in the first place? SIR MELIODAS!"

"Later" called Meliodas running away from the two angry sisters...well, one angry and the other embarrassed

"WHY DID YOU STEAL MY SISTER UNDERWEAR AND BRA" screamed Elizabeth running after Meliodas with Akemi and Hawk following closely behind "SIR MELIODAS, IM TALKING TO YOU!"

After running after the hide-and-seeks, the group finds themselves in an opening where a young girl is laid sleeping. Only this wasn't any girl, this was a seven deadly sin member: Diane, the Serpent's Sin of Envy.


The group stopped in their tracks once they were close enough to giant girl and imps who were trying to wake the sleeping giant in panic.

"LADY DIANE!" cried one imp to the slumbering giant, only to get no response or reaction

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"LADY DIANE!" cried one imp to the slumbering giant, only to get no response or reaction

"LADY DIANE!" called the other imps still no reaction from the sleeping girl

"OH WOW, SHE BIG!" cried Hawk looking at the sleeping giant as Meliodas, Akemi and Elizabeth stood in silence watching what was happening in front of them

"I wonder why she chose a place like this to stay in?" questioned Elizabeth aloud looking at the sleeping girl

"Maybe people would be too afraid to come here and investigate because of all the rumors of the forest." answered Akemi as she watched what was going in front of her"Plus the imps could scare anyone away if they got too close."

"LADY DIANE!" yelled one of the imps again trying to wake the slumbering giant " WE ACCIDENTALLY LET SOME HOLY KNIGHTS TRESPASSERS GET IN!"

"Wait a minute!" argued Akemi stepping forward a bit trying to explain they had the wrong idea about them "We're not..."

However, it was too late because as soon as that imp said that the girl's eyes quickly opened, smacking her hand into the ground causing a small crater to occur as she rose from her position on the ground to face them.

Akemi and Elizabeth looked in awe at the large girl, both wondering the same thing.

'Wait a minute, wasn't one of the sins a giant?' thought Akemi looking at the giant in awe 'But, that would mean...'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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