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Alternate Ending:

The girl stumbles backward, the back of her head meets the cold ground in a harsh thump. Leaves crinkling in her blonde locks. Her vision is blurry from tears but her smile. Her beautiful smile… still remains unchanged. She has her hands clasped together in prayer. She's ready to accept it. Her fate.

The bandaged man looms over her in the bright moonlight. The beams cascading his features. In this moment he truly looks like a god to her. Her smiling face, equally as bright to him. That face is perfect. Absolutely perfect.

He readies his blade. Preparing to release her from the chains of earthly being. He feels it. That chill. That desire to destroy happiness. He can't control the rage burning within. He stabs her. Once. Twice…Three times... More. More. MORE!

The girl gasps as the unbearable sting of cold steel pierces her. Again and again. She feels herself slipping away. She coughs. Blood spewing from her mouth. Pooling up from the wounds in a small geyser of crimson. She fidgets. Barely able to sputter out her final words of gratitude.

“Th….aaank. you. Za...aaack.”

He barely hears. Wiping at the lukewarm splatter on his bandages, all the while still cackling to himself. He snaps out of his madness briefly. A shaky hand tugs lightly at the bottom of his hoodie. He still smiles big as he looks down. Watching the smile shrink and light fade from her eyes. Like they were before.


The very sight brings him back to reality.

He had finally done it. After she waited so long for him to keep his promise, Zack had finally killed Rachel.

But…Hey, wait. No.

This isn't how it was supposed to feel.

No… No. No!

Oh fuck… oh god!

"What… what have I done?!"

He cradles the lifeless husk in his arms. Her warmth is dissolving. She's starting to feel...cold.

"Ray! Oh my God!"



Her blood dyes him red as he lifts her into his lap. His tears, falling like raindrops on her cheek.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I had changed my mind this much… I should have realized… Ray… please don't go..."

"Don't leave me! I'm sorry!"

He screams loud enough people miles out will hear him. They'll call the authorities for sure.

But he refuses to budge. He committed the ultimate sin. He didn't desire her death. His emotional instability took hold. He lost control.

He killed the only one he cared for in his entire life and there was no turning back.

The inevitable was that he'd be found. He'd be executed. He didn't care.

"It's what I deserve. I broke our promise. I ain’t ever told a single lie before but… Guess I can't really say that anymore. Now, can I?"

A small exhausted chuckle leaves him as he hears sirens drawing closer. Tears still running in a steady stream. Pelting her white gown in a soft pitter patter.

The sirens blare loudly before coming to an abrupt halt.

He listens as metal doors swing open from multiple directions. Guns cocking.

Zack doesn't fight. He stands up slowly. The small girl still cradled tightly in his arms. He can feel it. Hear it. His pulse throbbing in his ears and throat. He swallows hard.

"Hey Ray?… See ya on the other side."

Gunshots fill the night air. The bodies heavily hit the ground with a grotesque thud.

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