Let's leave together

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Dipper walked towards the water. It was beautiful how the moonlight reflected off of the surface. He smiled as he approached his favorite place. Between some high grass and giant rocks was a little spot, which was perfectly hidden by the grass and had a great view of the lake. It was right at the edge of the water. He sat down and leaned against a rock. He leaned his head against it and watched the small waves dance around. He had his book with him. He got it out and opened it at a certain page. The page had scribbles of a being and a few notes next to it. He looked up from his book and smiled. There it was. He emerged from the water until his head and shoulders were visible under the moonlight. His eyes studied the brunette curiously. Dipper smiled at him and waved. The being swam closer until he reached the edge of the lake. "Hey~" Dipper greeted him as he could finally see it's face. It was a boy with blond, almost silver hair and golden eyes. His pupils were slit, just like a cat's. "Hey..what brings you here?" The blonde asked and Dipp smiled gently. "You know I can't go a week without seeing you!" The blonde blushed a bit and splashed some water around with his tail. Yes, he had a tail. He was, what humans called, a siren. He turned around so his back was towards Dipp, and hieved himself onto the ground. He pulled himself up against the rock next to Dipper so his tail was still halfway in the water. Dipper blushed a bit and smiled. "You keep coming here...don't you know they'll think badly of you if they see you with the siren of the lake?" He asked him but he shook his head. "I don't care about that. I wanna be with you. Besides, I live on the outskirts of town, so it doesn't really matter." He said and the blonde blushed a bit. Why would a human care so much? He thought as something suddenly touched his tail. He jumped a bit and looked down. It was Dipper. He stroked it and looked up. The boy was blushing furiously, trying to look anywhere but him. He let go immediately. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable..." Dipp said and the siren sighed. "I-It's ok.." "by the way, when will you finally tell me your name?" Dipp asked and the blonde suddenly slid towards the water. He didn't stop untill the water stood at his shoulder again. He turned around and smiled shyly. "It's Bill.." He said and suddenly disappeared under the surface before Dipp could say anything. He just smiled to himself as he got his book out again. He drew a few sketches of Bill and wrote that blonde's name below it. He chuckled as he gathered his things and walked off towards his house, casting a last glance at the lake.
-next morning-
Dipp woke up to a commotion outside. He rubbed his eyes and got up. He stretched before walking over to his window and looked outside to see what the fuss was all about. As soon as he looked outside he sighed. It were the town's people. They had been coming to his house for almost a week now. They were shouting bad things at him and calling him names. All due to his nightly visits at the lake. One night one of them saw him going there, and immediately the next day the whole town knew. They said he was one of them.. the sirens. Of course he didn't tell Bill about it since he knew he'd avoid him so they'd stop spreading rumors. And he didn't want him to worry. He took a deep breath before opening the door. "Hello. What is it? What do you want?" Dipp asked them, and a man stepped out of the small crowd. "You are the one who speaks to the siren of the lake, right?" He stared at him confused and slowly nodded. "The major sent us to bring you a message." He said as he rummaged through his pocket and pulled out an envelope. He gave it to him and Dipper furrowed his brows as he opened it.

Dear Mr. Pines,

I, the major, am seriously worried
about the well being of the people
and the well being of this town.
The siren of the lake has brought much distress to us, over several years now.
Each time we tried to have the
upper hand it ended in disasters.
Now, that we finally have someone
like you, who can talk to the siren,
it will be of great help for us.
I, as the major of this town, hereby
command you to get rid of the siren.
Of course this won't go without appreciation. You'll get whatever you
wish for in return. But if you, for some reason, won't do as I say, there'll be
serious consequences.

Sincerely, the major.

Dipper felt like his gaze was glued to the paper. He couldn't breathe, nor could he even process what it said. He read through it again hastily and felt how sweat built up on his forehead. Why? He knew this wouldn't end well! Shit... He had to do something... If not he didn't even want to think about what might happen. He gulped after he made up his mind and looked back up at the people. "Tell the major I'll take care of it. All I want in return is for him to provide me a vehicle to leave town. I'll be done by tomorrow." He said, not once breaking eye contact. With a determined look he stared at the man who had given him the letter and he nodded at him, leaving with all the people around. As the crowd left, Dipper shut the door behind him. He walked into his basement, shutting the door nervously. He Just hoped this would work out.
-At 9pm-
It was getting dark out. The only thing visible in the dim light of the setting sun was a figure walking towards the lake with what seemed to be a big iron chest. At the bottom it had wheels, making it easier to transport. Dipper had a tight grip on one of the handles, pulling it after him. He had to hurry! He had a determined look on his face as he approached the lake. He pushed the box as near to the lake as he could, and knelt down at the end. "Bill!" He shouted, and after a few seconds and head popped up to the surface. The boy looked at him with a smile, but as soon as he saw the frown on the young man's face, it disappeared. He swam to the edge of the water and stared into his hazel brown eyes. "What is it? Did something happen?" He asked worried, and Dipper nodded. "The town's folk...I didn't want to tell you so you didn't worry, but ..they found out. And the major sent me a letter to-to...." He couldn't speak. It was as if his voice was gone, just gave up. Bill's expression deepened as he furrowed his brows at the frowning boy. "Dipper, tell me!" He said desperately trying to get the words out of him. "He ordered me to kill you... Get rid of you." Bill's face twitched in anger. "How dare he...what will you do now? You can't possibly stay..." He said, sadly looking down at the water. Dipper shook his head now looking back up at him. "I can't. But I have a plan." He got up and opened the chest which was filled with water. Bill just watched him confused. "I'll get you out of here. I told them that all I want in return is a carriage. I'll take you with me! We'll be able to make it!" Dipper exclaimed and Bill's eyes widened. "You...why would you go this far as to save me?" He asked him quietly and Dipper looked down at him with a sincere smile and crouched down to be on eye to eye level with the blond. "That's because you're all the happiness I have left in this town. You're the only thing that kept me from moving from this miserable place. What I'm saying is that I love you." He finished and Bill's cheeks flushed pink. He was happy and didn't know how to reply as he felt his hand on his cheek. "May I?" Dipper asked in a hushed voice and Bill could feel his breath in his face, that's how close he was. He stared at the brunette's lips before slowly nodding. That was all it took. Their lips collided and Bill felt a sweet sensation running down his whole body. He felt as if he was floating. Dipper didn't let go of him though. The kids lasted a few moments before they parted. As he opened his eyes slightly he was greeted by Dipper's sweet smile. Before he could speak up though, his tail started to glow in blue flames. It didn't burn, but it had never happened before so he was kind of freaking out. "Wh-what's that ?!" Dipper exclaimed and Bill stared at his tail in amazement. "I don't know! But-look!" He said and both of them watched as Bill's figure slowly started to change. His tail seemed to part into two and soon the flames burned out. They stared in wonder at his new body parts. Legs! "What..." Bill said, not knowing how to process this. Was this a dream? He touched one of his legs and felt the soft skin under his fingers. This was very much real. He couldn't believe it! He turned to Dipper and hugged him tightly. "I can't believe it! You somehow turned me into a human!" Bill said excitedly and Dipper had tears in his eyes. Bill let go of the embrace and put his forehead against his. "Now it won't be that complicated anymore." "You're right. It won't." Dipper said and now felt his cheeks getting wet. But it wasn't him. It were Bill's tears. He cried while a big smile decorated his face. "I love you!" He whispered and Dipper cupped his face into his hands and couldn't help but let out sob too. "Me too. I have and will for the rest of my life."

So I think this turned out super sweet~ 😍❤️ If you want me to include a second part of this, let me know~ 😘

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