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Well I think this going good so far but still I'm open to suggestions and other stuff. To make this quadruple better ya' know

Actually I'm thinking about making some crossover harems of my favourite video games or Muscians or anime or whatever you get it. I'll list them and you may choose or yeah OwO
((I am easily amused by that))

-The Grave walker of Remnant (Shadow of war crossover)
-The lost soul (Soul eater crossover)
-The Bloody DJ (Skully reader killing floor crossover)
-Funny as F$#K (Funny man reader hollywood undead crossover)
-0 Zero sanity (Sid Wilson reader slipknot crossover)
-We are (Venom Reader crossover)
-The 8th sin (Seven deadly sins)
-The rap god (Eminem reader crossover)
⬆⬆⬆this would be interesting
-The vault hunters (Borderlands 2 crossover)Heyooo if you play you get it.
-Feel good inc (2-D reader crossover)
-Ace in the hole (Bioshock 1 crossover)
-The voice of Remnant (Rapper reader)
((I like rap so what))

Or these could be for my own little Ocs m'kay I'm just saying there's options and once again completely open to suggestions

Also my photos never seem to load even if I have the best source of WiFi they won't load do I need a need a new phone or email or what? Please halp

Male reader x Blake Belladonna RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now