Someone Else

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It was a busy and cold Christmas Eve

My shopping was done, I was about to leave

Then I saw him sitting quietly there

In sorrow I could only stare

His clean tear stained face was whiter than snow

He was so upset, but I had to go

My family and friends were waiting for me

And on Christmas that's where you should be

Someone else would come and he'd be okay

I had to get home before Christmas day

I took my seat on the crowded bus

Everyone was busy making a fuss,

All these travelers would often roam

But it was Christmas time and we were all going home

A woman came and passed me by

But I was too distracted I didn't say hi

She wouldn't notice one less seasonal greeting

Besides the moment was gone, already fleeting

Someone else will greet her and tell her hello

It's Christmas time and I have to go

I got off the bus and continued on my way

Walking quickly with not much to say

On my way I came upon a homeless man

Holding up a silver can

What money I had, already I'd planned for

I was sad and wished I had a bit more

Someone else will come and help out this man

After all, for everyone, God has a plan

I hurried to the next bus stop

And when I arrived behind me there was a sound

I turned to see an old man sitting on the ground

There was a smile on his old worn face

That seemed to light up this snowy place

His state of being was astonishing to me

His happiness was there for all to see

But he was dirty and looked tired

Perhaps he was homeless or at work was fired

"Sir please forgive me,

But I couldn't help but see,

Your happiness fills this cold space,

How do you find happiness in such a place?"

"I am a rich man and truly blessed,

For I am going home, I passed the test."

"How do you mean?"

I asked not trying to make a scene

"It's Christmas and I have done all that I can,

To help those in need, my fellow man,

I helped God and gave Christmas to all,

And I went whenever someone would call."

I sank to the ground and cried

I thought about earlier and just about died

"My God, my God, what have I done?

I have forsaken your only son!"

"Dear woman, fear not,

For the battle is not all the way fought,

Go and give Christmas to every man woman and child as I have for you,

Because sometimes theonly someone else is you."   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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