Society says

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Society says

Gain a little weight,
There isn't enough meat on your bones.
Loosen up that frown
No one wants to see a girl down.
Shut your pretty mouth
All that talking doesn't help,
No one wants to hear all the shit coming out

You smile too much,
People think you're crazy.
You're getting a little big
Maybe eat less baby,
You're always so quiet
It's a getting a little boring.

Maybe if society was a little less judgy
I could be happy within my own body.
Maybe if I wasn't so busy
Judging my own weight,
My face, my skin,
Wondering if I'm too thin
Trying my hardest to fit it.
Trying not to overthink, overshare
To be funny, but not too loud
Maybe, I could be happy
If society gave it a rest
Just let me rest.

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