Until We Meet Again

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The young hacker walked along the dark alleyways of Busan, avoiding as much contact with people as possible. The streets were usually filled with cars and other pedestrians walking along the crowded sidewalks, so she couldn't do much there to stay hidden from the public. She was headed towards the grocery store, throwing her hood up and keeping her head down, trying not to bring any attention to herself.

There was one place though, where she'd have to slip through the crowded sidewalks to reach the local grocery. She usually had no problem with this, as everyone normally ignored her and went on their way.

She reached the spot where she would have to slip through the sidewalks, sighing shakily. This part made her anxious, as she didn't want to be found out. She was still in hiding, after all.

Her hands trembled slightly, gripping the straps of her backpack as she got herself ready to head into the crowded streets. She took a deep breath and started to walk out. Her legs felt like lead --heavy-- forcing them to move. She shook her head, questioning why she always had so much touble doing this, and walked faster, her expression hardening. When she could see the store a smile appeared on her face, and she started to run, quickly dodging people left and right. She was almost there, just a few yards away, until she rammed into something... Someone.

She let out a yelp as she tripped over her own feet, shutting her eyes as she braced for impact.

She peeked an eye open as she didn't feel herself hit the ground, seeing a tall figure in front of her. She gasped quietly as she realized that this figure had caught her, her face flushing a bright pink.

"O-oh I'm so sorry-" she stuttered, looking up at the green-haired man.

"It's quite alright." The man let out a chuckle. "Are you okay?" His voice turned serious, a hint of concern in it.

She nodded quickly, "Y-yeah. I'm alright." she chuckled, embarrased of her clumsiness.

"Ah, well that's good." he looked down at the short Latina. "My name is Genji, and yours?" he asked her, seeming very interested in what she had to say.

"I, ah..." she hesitated for a moment, reminding herself not to reveal her actual name. "My name is Sombra." she managed to say, despite the situation she was in.

"Well, Sombra. It was nice meeting you." Genji flashed a smile before finally releasing her.

It wasn't until he released her that she realized he was holding her by the waist, which brought a light blush to her face.

"Yeah, you too." she said quickly, wanting eagerly to get away from this man. Wanting to get away from everyone, and just be on her way.

"Until we meet again." He winked, a slight smirk on his face.

She scoffed slightly, but she couldn't help but smile. She stood there awkwardly for a moment before pushing past him, feeling the gaze of his brown eyes on her as she walked away quickly and into the grocery store.

She let out a sigh of relief once the door closed behind her, the casual music playing in the background calming her. She walked down a few aisles and grabbed essentials: food, drinks, etc.

She shook her head as she recalled the last few minutes; running into Genji. The thought of him --and his very attractive face-- brought a light blush to her face. She didn't think that such a simple task could lead to this. Pushing those thoughts from her mind, she brought the items she grabbed up to the cashier, a small smile forming on her face as she thought about Genji's words.

"Until we meet again."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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