Friend or Foe?¿

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Jogging to class really takes a lot out of me;"I really need to hit the gym" I say panting.

Peeping through the Opaque glass on the door, I see miss Anne our literature teacher scribbling on the board.

"Urghh she's here already" I say with a loud groan and just as I'm about to enter the classroom, someone says from behind me,
"if you keep peeping and talking to yourself like some creep,you'll definitely be late".
The intrusion causes me to jump and squeak; turning around whilst trying to steady my pounding heart,I whisper-yell "you scared me!!"...
Looking up(I am not at all short! people just seem to grow like trees),I quickly realise that the person standing in front of me is the hot newbie as my eyes meet his chocolate brown ones.
" I..uhmm..I didn't.. Know,I mean...I"..Gosh I'm stuttering?!.. Where did that come from?..
"You what?" He asks smirking,cutting through my thoughts and taking a step forward.
I immediately take a step back on impulse and bump into the classroom door which gives way easily as it requires a push from the side I'm on to open it.

I crash into the classroom and in a bid to break my fall,I twist so I can use my hands to protect myself; apparently, that was a bad idea as I couldn't completely turn over. I break my fall as I slam my side into the hard ground,hitting my head hard,I hear collective gasps from my classmates,and as a sharp stabbing pain hits my abdomen, causing me to gasp in pain,I vaguely hear teacher Anne screaming my name and the last thing that registers in my mind is Ryann's evil smirk;"Jerk",I think before finally drifting into oblivion.

★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★

"Cycy come look"Seth says his voice infiltrating the black fog that seems to be my mind,followed by shuffling of feet;apparently she answered his call.
I hear her hiss and then the sound of smacking "ouch,that hurt" Seth says.

"It's supposed to Idiot" Dency retorts.

"But it was funny!.. He replies and I quickly guess that he is referring to whatever he showed her.

" Seth you're Impossible", she says sounding worked up,she pauses for a short time and I'm guessing it's to keep a tight rein on her emotions. "A video of our best friend getting hurt is not and should not be funny no matter what!" She seethes... seems to stretch on for a while before I hear Seth take a deep breath and exhale.

"Yeah I guess you're right,I'm sorry"
"You should be!" She snaps angrily.

More silence...I try to open my eyes but I feel too groggy and i think it takes me at least five minutes before I perform that single task...

By this time, I'm fully awake and as I open my eyes,I go blind momentarily as my eyes try to adjust to the sudden brightness brought upon it. It takes me a minute to realise that I'm in the school's sick bay and it all comes rushing back;waving Goodbye to my friends, Jogging to class,peeping through the glass on the door,Ryann scaring me,..WAIT...
"Ryann!" I say aloud causing my friends to look my way,surprised.
"You're awake" Seth whispers like he is scared he's imagining it and turns to look at Dency who nods in confirmation... "You're awake" he says more audibly and smiles toothily.

"I'll go get the Nurse" Dency says already walking towards the door..weird..

"How're you"? He asks weakly in a bid to make small talk and I just raise one perfectly arched brow at him that literally says " seriously? Bro your question is stoopid".He quickly understands and bursts out laughing and after sometime,I join him,only stopping when it begins to hurt.

"I'm sorry you got hurt b" he says suddenly serious.

"It's alright,I'll live" I reassure him. He only nods in reply and takes my right hand,squeezing it softly as the left is injected and connected to an intravenous drip. We stay like this;in comfortable silence for sometime,only breaking our hold when the door opens,revealing Nurse Ashley, the Nurse on duty and Dency.
We have two Nurses in the school; Nurse Ashley and Nurse Christabel.
Both Nurses are kind and beautiful but are polar opposites when it comes to looks. While Nurse Christabel is tall and slender,Nurse Ashley is averagely built and thick.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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