Lindsay and Nicole

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           Lindsay was driving her down Denny way on her way to Grey Sloan Memorial, she was almost late for her first day as the head nurse on the immunology floor. She saw a gorgeous woman in her peripheral and got distracted. She ran the light and crashed into a pole. The beautiful woman pulled over to see if she was okay, and Lindsay thought internally "oh no! I don't want her to see me like this! Ugh!!" The woman ran out of her car and over to her. She said "Hi! My name's Nicole, are you ok?"  She touched my leg and my heart started racing. "Y-yeah-h. Thanks Nicole" I got up and started to walk away when she grabbed my arm and said "hey, will you at least let me take you to the hospital it's on my way." "Ok, I need to go there anyways I'm the head nurse, and since my bike is wrecked, I guess I'll need a ride. Thanks Nicole!" "Wait you work at Grey Sloan Memorial! I'm the head of Immunology there, wow! What a coincidence! Hop in! We're about to be late." She winked at me and I swear my heart almost stopped beating.
           I got in her car and we drove to the hospital. We talked, and it turns out we have a lot in common. We both love Grey's Anatomy, animals, chemistry, art, and hair. We got off the elevator and she said, "Can I drive you home after work?" "That would be nice!" "Great! I'll meet you at the nurse's station when I get off." "See you later!" I had a pretty hectic first day, I knew all the people, so it made it a little easier, but it was crazy trying to get them to listen to me. My shift finally ended, and Nicole walked up to the desk, as I was finishing up some paperwork for the day. "Hey!" She waved at me and I looked up at her and thought, "She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen" all I said was "Hey! I'm almost ready I just need to bring this down to HR." "Ok, do you want me to go with you?" "That would be great"
           We got on the elevator, we were listening to some really cheesy muzak and Nicole said "God, I thought that this shit was outlawed in the 80's!" We started laughing so hard that I almost fell over. The elevator dinged and opened its doors just as I got off the floor. We walked out together and down to my HR rep I handed her the papers and we left for Nicole's car. We pulled up in front of my house and I said surprising even myself "Hey, what are you doing later?" "Nothing, why?" "Do you want to go to breakfast before work tomorrow?" "That sounds perfect!" "Great, I have a car, so I'll pick you up around 4 am, sound good?" "That sounds amazing Lindsay! See you tomorrow" "Bye" She pulled out of my driveway as I waved to her. The next morning, I texted her to let her know I was on the way. As soon as I got to her house I honked, and she walked out in the most gorgeous dress she could possibly wear. I rolled down the, window and said, "Hop in! Breakfast is on me today" We went to the 5-point Café on Cedar St. she had never been there before, and I was so surprised because it is my favorite diner in all of Seattle. "My favorite thing here is the Veggie Hash and since there's no protein I usually add 2 eggs, and it is absolutely amazing. What do you think you're going to order?" "The Mess looks amazing! Have you had it before?" "Yeah, it was delicious, but I still always go back to my usual." The waiter came back to bring our drinks and take our orders. "I'll have the Mess please, no peppers" "And I'll have the Veggie Hash and 2 eggs Over Easy please." While we were waiting for our food, she asked me why I crashed. "Why do you think I crashed?" "I don't really know." "What are you hoping made me crash?" ...Me...?" "Good guess, you also happen to be right, am I that obvious?" "Not at all, I saw you look at me right before you crashed, so I kind of already knew what happened" I started to giggle, and then the waiter came over and served us our food while I was laughing. As soon as he left Nicole grabbed my hand and said with a thoughtful look on her face said, "You know I absolutely love your laugh, right?" We smiled for the next minute while we stared into each other's eyes.
           When we finished our food, we walked to the desk together and I paid for breakfast. We walked to my car and we talked all the way to the hospital. We got on the elevator, and I fucking swear those things are like an aphrodisiac because as soon as the doors closed, I kissed her. I kissed her with all of my passion and heart and it felt so damn good when she kissed me back, she held the back of my neck and we stayed just like that for the remainder of the elevator ride. When the doors opened, I pulled away and smirked at her as I walked to the Nurse's lockers. "Meet me at the nurse's station when you get off"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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