Study help - Nomin

385 14 6

Jaemin was stressed.

Full on rip-your-hair out stressed.

Jaemin had come home from high school with his boyfriend, in hope to revise for a physics test they had the next day.

Anyone else would be questioning why he was freaking out so much,

well, he had procrastinated until the day before the test, and was getting very anxious.

And he and Jeno went to one of the top schools in the country, so they felt an omnipresent force for them to do well.

They were upstairs in Jaemin's room, a place where they would go together a lot.

So Jaemin was sat at the table, his face buried in his textbook, Jeno lying on Jaemin's bed, on his phone, shoes on the floor kicking his legs up and down behind him on the bed.

Jaemin rested his head on the table and let out an exhausted sigh.

" Jaemin are you ok ? "

" Nope." Jaemin continued to leave his head on the desk.

" What do you need help with love?"

" You know what I'm struggling with it all I'm so dumb i might aswell just not even try anymore" Jaemin quickly gushed then let out a sob.

Jeno stood up and pulled a chair up to Jaemin's old wooden desk, and placed a reassuring hand  on his back, as he felt Jaemin's breath get quicker.

" Jaemin love, breathe slowly, in and out."

Jaemin let out another sigh.

" What can i help you with."

" Just this i guess." He pointed to a diagram depicting the nuclear fusion between hydrogen and helium in the sun and looked at Jeno.

Jeno explained the diagram, and Jaemin started yawning as it was around 11 pm at this point.

" Look Jae, why don't you sit on the bed and have a rest for a moment."

Jaemin nodded as he stood up, alongside Jeno.

Jeno sat down on the bed, patting the space on the duvet next to him for Jaemin.

Jamein sat down and was instantly wrapped up in Jeno's strong arms.

He exhaled slowly and relaxed into Jeno, leaning onto his shoulder.

The soft lighting and reassuring familiar scent of Jeno made Jaemin very tired.

Jeno placed a small peck on the crown of Jaemin's soft hair.

This caused Jaemin to let out a tired giggle.

Soon both the boys were both asleep, Jaemin snuggled into Jeno, who was lying down, his head resting on the pillow.

For a moment, Jaemin forgot about the stress of the exam, and enjoyed sleeping next to his boyfriend.

Hey guys! I'm back with a much fluffier ship story, and can you tell i have a physics test tomorrow and am having a small freakout? 


Also, i tried to write them less as gods ( which they kinda are), but normal people ( which they are aswell ) who experience negative things like anxiety and stress.

Goodnight xo - rosy

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