paparazzi, dates and kisses

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Zayn grabbed his phone and called someone. "hi Simon we've got a bit of a problem me and my friends went to Nandos and the paparazzi came but we have no car to escape" he said his forehead scrunched up. "Yes we will wait what time will the car come?" he said relaxing. What car? I'm confused. He got off the phone and told us a car is going to pick us up in 5 minutes. We waited in the cold talking until a black van came and parked in front of us. Zayn hoped in, I looked at him confused in why I need to get in

"Get in" he said letting his hand out to grab mine I grabbed his the same tingles run though me and he pulled me in Shery followed behind me.

"Thanks Zayn this actually turned out fun we have to catch up more" I said grinning at him

"Sarah are you forgetting about me" Shery said sounding annoyed

"No you're going to Greece!!"I said being serious

"Guys were here" Zayn said interrupting our little fight

I hopped out of the car Shery followed Zayn got out and shut the door "thanks max" he said to the driver. We walked inside everyone from school surrounding us yelling stuff like how do you know Zayn? Or Is Zayn your boyfriend? I just ignored them and we went into the elevator when we got out their stood Louis very pissed off.

"I saw you guys on the news what were you doing?" Louis shouted at us wow I think I was going crazy but me and Louis looked like brother and sister we didn't have the same eye colour but our hair and lips and skin colour it was weird cause I had a brother but he disappeared and I never met him my mum kept telling me I will meet him.

"We went to Nandos then the paparazzi followed us" Zayn said

"Umm Zayn I have to get packed for Greece" Shery said checking the time

"Oh Shery is it ok if I go to Zayn and Louis room for a while?" I asked

"Um yeah I guess not to long it's getting late and I want you to say bye to me before I go" he said smiling

"Thanks" I kissed him on the cheek then he walked into our room.

"Oh Louis I'm Sarah" I said shaking his hand hmm he looks familiar he has my mums eyes.

"Ok let's get in before fans find us" Zayn said reaching out to grab my hand I grabbed his and those bloody tingles ran through me I'm actually starting to like them. He took me into his room and I sat on his bed.

"Umm do you wanna watch a movie" he suggested biting his lip

"Yeah what's your favourite movie?" I asked grinning at him.

"Um scarface"Zayn said smiling at me like a creep

He put the movie in and slid under the blanket I decided to go under the blanket to because it was England the cold weather was hard to live with. I moved close to Zayn so our bodies were touching once again tingles fly through my body Zayn shivered maybe he felt that too. I turned to face him his eyes glued on the TV his hair still perfect it made me want to run my hair though it and mess it up.

"Zayn I need to ask you something... is Louis adopted?" I asked Zayn turned around and faced me

"Um why do you want to know?" Zayn asked confused by my random question

"Well I used to have a brother but he disappeared and Louis looks like me a bit but with my mums eyes it's kind of creeping me out" I said Zayn looked at me eyes hair and face

"Well Louis's never told us anything apart from his parents being divorced and some sister, but you do look like Louis" he said grinning

"I'll have to ask him one day" I said smiling and turning back to face the movie and moved closer to Zayn then I turned back to face him he was looking at me I could feel his heart beating fast and I think my heart was beating fast too.

"Zayn" I said

"Wait is Shery your boyfriend?" he said in a serious tone

"NO!!"I said laughing

"Oh ok it just I almost saw you kiss" he said

"NO!" I said lying

He leaned closer to me his nose touching mine.

"Well that's good" he said winking the gap between us closing as his lips touched mine

Our lips moved in sync, and I could seriously feel fireworks. We broke apart and he stared at me I felt weak without his lips on mine I've never felt this before and I've kissed other boys.

"Guys what are you doing it's 1am and I thought Shery wanted you to say bye" Louis came running in staring at us with shock, and then I noticed the distance between us was like 1mm.

"Oh shit" I said getting out off Zayn's bed and running to the door

"Bye Sarah" Zayn yelled

"bye see you tonight" I yelled before running out I heard Louis and zayn mumbling about something before I ran out the front door as I shut it the same lady from downstairs walked passed.

"What are you doing walking out of that room I told you not to go in there" she yelled

"Zayn invited me" I said laughing at how angry she was

I open my hotel room door and walked into the bedroom where Shery was sleeping shirtless. Awkward much. I Changed into my pyjamas got into the bed my eyes closing.


"Wake up Sarie it's time to go"

My eyes started opening

"Zayn?" I asked confused

"Yes also the car is loaded now get in I'll put the last few things in the trailer" he said as I got off the sofa that I must have fallen asleep on

"Where's Shery?" I asked

"He's at Cadie's" he said smiling

"Who's Cadie?"I asked confused

"His girlfriend" he said

We walked to the car and got in two minutes later we arrived at a house it was amazing.

"Welcome home" he said as we walked in


"Wake up Sarah I'm leaving in like half an hour" it was Shery waking me up by shaking me

"What's the time?" I asked my eyes fluttering open

"9 come on get up and get dressed" he said grabbing my hand and dragging me up I stood up off the ground where he dragged me and went to my suitcase that had my clothes I grabbed my blue long dressed and my blue heels and walked to the bathroom I put my clothes on quickly and grabbed my brush I brushed my messy hair.


hey beauties hope ur injoying my story keep reading anyone for team Sayn xx also comment bellow and vote for me im going to write a new story so this one may be uploaded in like a few weeks my new story is called Victoria


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