The boy with the books.

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I walked into Denvar high school, looking for my two best friends, Tori and Danielle. They were off talking to some new guys, obviously "gettin dem digits". I was the loser standing in the corner.

Ever since we were in third grade, Tori, Danielle and I just clicked. We always had the same interests in everything: school, hobbies, sports, and yes, especially boys. But I was always the single one. They were the type of popular girls who were never seen without a boy by their sides. And I was exactly the opposite.

I looked around and found my place, the library. I entered and automatically headed to my favorite section, teen fiction. I started perusing down the aisle, looking for a good read. Carry Me Home, On My Way, Open The Skies: nothing I haven't read before. But then I saw a new book by my favorite author, Katy Millers. It was called "Tomorrow Is Another Day". Hm. Looked pretty interesting. I pulled it off the shelf and hopped onto a beanbag chair, snuggling up in the leather.

"Katy Millers, eh? She's quite the author."

I looked up from the novel and saw a boy in an office chair. He was staring intensely at me. His green eyes reflected the bright lights. His curly brown hair bounced lightly against the crappy air conditioning of all the buildings on campus. I noticed he was holding another of Millers' books in his large hands: "Call Me Yours".

I smiled cautiously. "Um, yeah. I love her writing."

He pushed his curls out of his eyes. "You have good taste."

I looked him up and down once more. Okay, he was pretty attractive. Not that I would ever be into him. It was obvious he wasn't my type. I bet he was a player.

I set the book down on the end table next to me. I crossed one leg over the other and leaned forward. "Alright, you have my attention. Want to hit on me a little bit more?"

He smiled and looked down. "Sorry. Didn't mean to weird you out. I just thought you were pretty. I'll shut up now."

I hid my grin. "Good."

I dove back into my book. It was actually pretty good so far. It was obviously romantic, since a guy named Sam was trying to get this girl's attention. To be honest, the girl seemed like a complete ho, throwing herself to every boy she met. But Sam was sincerely wanting to change her whole opinion on dating and love. He seemed sweet. If only I could find a guy like that.

"She breaks his heart."

I sneered and looked up at curly. "Must you ruin my book?"

He grinned and replied, "Yup."

I just sighed and tried to go back to the love story, but this guy was not giving up.

"'Can't I just prove to you, Melinda, that I want to be your one and only? That love is not only about numbers? I want to show you what real love is like. Let me love you, please. Just take this as a proposal,'" Curly said quietly.

"Excuse me?" I really did not like this kid. He was messing up my whole morning just by being himself.

"I was just quoting that book. I'm probably smarter than you think."

"Yeah, and you're probably much more annoying than I think."

He stood up and walked over to me. He snatched the book from my hands. "You don't have to be rude. I have no friends at this school. We obviously have a lot in common. Hello, books don't lie, love."

"Don't call me love." I replied, blushing a bit.

"How about I take you out to coffee later?" He asked sweetly.

I could not turn this guy down. I mean, I could, but he would probably just pester me more about it eventually.

I sighed. "What time?"

Call me yours? A Harry Styles love story.Where stories live. Discover now