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A/n: don't play song until I say so

Enshuo POV

I woke up at 6:00 to my alarm ringing uncontrollably. I threw it to the wall and got up. I got ready for for the morning (obviously) and put this on:

 I got ready for for the morning (obviously) and put this on:

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I then proceed to go to the kitchen so I can eat with my mom.

"Good morning Enshuo", My mom greeted, hugging me.

"Good Morning mom", I said, hugging back.

"I made breakfast for you. You should eat before you go to boarding school", My mom recommended.

I walked over to my food and say how mouth watering it looked. I sat down, and devoured my food. I was so freaking hungry that I could've eaten a cow, but I didn't. After I finished eating, I went to my cold, colorful room and got my special stuffed plant. The name of it is HuaHua. HuaHua is a sunflower stuffed animal with a smiley face on it. I have other ones, but this one is my bias.

I take HuaHua, my suitcases, and my backpack and go to my mom's car. I put my suitcase in the trunk and sat in the backseat with HuaHua and my backpack.

After a few minutes, my mom gets in the car and drives to my boarding school. Since the drive is so long, I fell asleep.

Time skip to when they are there

"Enshuo, wakie wakie", my mom said, waking me up. "We are here."

I slowly open my eyes. I look out the window and saw my worst fear. Hell. Hell, the definition of school. Hell, the definition where perverts like to hide. Hell, the definition where my bully is. Hell, the definition of my life.

I slowly get out of the car and walk towards THE PITS OF HELL! (BTW, HuaHua, my suitcases, and my backpack are with me. I would never leave those things). I then go to the place where you get your ID and stuff.

Time skip

After all the things I did, I go to my room. A52. Seems like a good place to live at. I walk with my mom to my room and it looked like a normal dorm room.

"Mom, can you help me with my room?", I asked.

"Sure. Anything for you", she said, smiling.

We both put my clothes into my closet. We put the bed sheets on my bed and set up my desk area. I put my food in a bin. We decorated my side. When it was done, it looked very nice. My mom hugged me and gave me a thousand kisses.

"I will miss you", my mom said, crying.

"Don't cry mom, it will be ok", I said, hugging her back.

"Make sure to eat well and sleep good every day", my mom reminded.

"Ok", I said, about to cry.

"Also, get good grades and study well", She reminded.

"I will mom", I said, with tears threatening to come out.

"And don't ever let anyone bring you down", she reminded, crying more.

"Ok", I said, crying.

"I'm leaving now. I love you", she said, giving me a kiss on my forehead, and then walking out.

"I love you too", I said, sobbing now.

"Goodbye sweetheart", she said, walking away.

"Bye mommy", I said, slowly closing my door.

I went to my bed, kicked my shoes off, and sobbed on my pillow. Oh how I would miss my mom so much. Why did I have to leave like this? Why couldn't I  to a public school? At least those are better then freaking border school. Why am I at border school anyway? It sucks.

After about 2 hours of crying on my pillow, I decided to go on my iPad to keep my mind off of things. I go onto YouTube and play Davichi- Days Without You

A/n: play the song now

This was the song I usually played when I want to try to calm my sad mood. I started to think of my mom again, and how I wouldn't see her until a few months. God, I wish these months will pass quickly so I could see my mom again. Then I started to listen to happy songs to hopefully brighten my mood.

About a few hours later, almost nighttime, around 6:00 p.m., my door opens. I look away from my iPad and see a small boy's legs. I get up from my bed and see the person I have been dreading to see all summer. The person I hated the most. Jiakai. He looks at me and we stare at each other for a while. It was like staring into each others souls. Then, Jiakai breaks the silence.

"Oh hell no", said Jiakai.

A/n: I hope you guys liked this. This is the first chapter and I worked on this with my friend Makaylaxcook I hoped you guys can like and comment but if you can't, ok then. No cookies for you. I only bake them for the people who enjoy this. Anyways, goodbye

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