*Chapter 9: Fight

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Chapter 9:


"A what?!" Bertrand yelled into his cell phone, rage filling him at the recent news about his angel.

"It seems Lady Evangeline has acquired a Necromancer guardian," Julian repeated flatly. "She seemed very distressed over something and was being held by the delinquent. He was very protective over the young lady."

Bertrand growled into the receiver. The very thought of another man holding his angel made him blood thirsty. "We will deal with this upon my return Friday." Julian gave a quick response to show he understood before being hung up on. He threw the phone roughly onto the desk next to him, hearing the shell of the phone whine at the pressure, before beginning to pace around his room at the Virginia coven's main house. Red was the only thing he could see. Another man was with his angel, another man was holding his angel. How dare he touch what was his.

"I'll have that necromancer's head," he hissed, his eyes dark with blood lust and fangs fully extended.


Eva could feel the warm sun on her face as she slowly became aware of her surroundings. She could hear the sound of a fan whirling with the harmony of an early morning talk show lightly trailing underneath. She snuggled further into the warm blankets of the bed, her face scrunching up when she came in contact with something warm in the bed beside her. Soon she noticed the two long limbs sticking out from the mass before her that were wrapped around her waist. A blush formed on her face, heart beating like a drum in her chest as she opened her eyes to see who had taken hold of her during the night. A scream nearly tore itself from her throat when she followed the tanned chest in front of her face upward and saw Jasper's sleeping face.

Eva sat up in bed, the Necromancer's arms refusing to release her as she did so, and inspected Jasper as he slept. His usual black Mohawk was replaced with a soft looking river of black hair that flopped over the one side of his face almost blocking it from her view. His chest rose and fell with his deep intakes of air as he slept. Eva reached out and removed the hair from his eyes smiling when she was able to see his peaceful expression better. Before she could move her hand away, Jasper's hand shot out lightly grabbing hold of it. He moved her palm back to his face, placing a delicate kiss before bringing her hand to cup his cheek. Eva was speechless, a blush forming on her face as she wondered if he was doing this while still asleep.

"Firefly..." he sighed contentedly in his sleep. Eva's heart felt like it was going to explode. Was he dreaming about her? Was all this just him moving according to his dream? The thought made her blush harder, if that were possible. Careful not to wake him she tried to free her hand from Jasper's, being careful not to wake him. He groaned at the struggle and pulled Eva closer snuggling against her side as she continued to sit up straight in the bed.

"Ok guys, time to wake...up," Spectra froze in her spot in the door way. She had to hold in a laugh as she saw Eva trapped in her nephew's arms, struggling with all her might to get free.

"Spectra!" Eva pled in desperation, careful to keep her voice low. "Help me!" Spectra pressed her hand against her mouth to block out her laughter before quietly leaving the room. "I'll get you back for this!"

"Please..." Eva looked up to Jasper's face at the plea. His brows were creased, almost touching, as his chest heaved in and out rapidly. "Stop...please."

"Jasper?" Eva asked her concern growing when Jasper's breaths began coming more frantic and his hold on her tightened. "Jasper, wake up."

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