Part 1

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"KUNAL!!!!!!...."Swara shouted at top of lungs after reaching the function hall.all heads snapped toward her.swara walks toward while tears were rolling down from her cheeks.

"how can you do this with me?...i loved you so much"swara said in wet voice.The girl who was going to put ring in kunal's finger,moves her hand back and looks at kunal.

"who are you?"kunal asked in shocked tone,looking at her from top to bottom.

"are you really asking this from me? don't know me,i am your swara."swara asked and keeps her right on her chest.

"why are you creating drama here?...who send you?"kunal said angrily.

"you made my life a melodrama....if i knew your true color then i would never fall for broke my all dreams of beautiful and happy life..."swara cried loudly.

"kunal who is she?.."the girl asked from him in hurt voice.

"i don't know,i am seeing her first time in my whole life"kunal said in irritated voice.

"YOU ARE SEEING ME FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE....YOU FORGOT EVERY MOMENT WE SPEND TOGETHER.I AM PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD AND YOU ARE SAYING,YOU ARE SEEING ME FIRST TIME...SUCH A PERVERT YOU ARE"swara shouted while keeping hand on her stomach.everyone covers their mouth in shock.kunal's eyes bugged out after hearing that.

"WHAT!!...krishma please trust me,she is lying.i am seeing her first time.please trust me"kunal said to the girl standing in front of him.

"i hate you!..."krishma mouthed to him and she turns her face to opposite side.

"sister who are you/...why are you doing this?"kunal said in such voice as he will start crying any time.

Exact at that time,whole hall get echoed with loud laughter sound of krishma,her family and kunal's parents.swara was also laughing by holding her stomach.kunal and other guests were looking at them with O face.

"i am sorry for this prank..."krishma said while holding her both ears.

"thank God this was only prank....'kunal muttered and looked at swara,who was laughing like mad.she ,goes and hug krishma.

"congratulations!!..."swara said then breaks hug and looks at kunal who was throwing daggers at them but a small smile was playing on his lip.

"from where you found this cry baby..."swara muttered in krishma's ear.

"shut up..he is very sweet"krishma said and slapped her on shoulder.

"sorry but this was your her's idea..."swara said in between her laugh and points at krishma.she gives sheepish smile to kunal.he mouthed something to krishma and she bites her tongue.

"i will come after changing...'swara said and steps down from stage and walks toward a man.

"karan my clothes..."swara asked after standing in front of him.karan gives her hand bag.

"there are washroom behind the hall...."karan said while pointing backward.swar nodded and took two steps forward then quickly takes two steps back.

"i am such a good actor,have you seen everyone was you think i should go for audition?"swara asked with twinkling eyes.

"you are very bad actor...infact 'over-actor' is best word for you."karan said,crushing her all dreams.

"you are jealouse from me....."swara said,punched in his stomach and walks out from there

'i will surely give audition then i will dance with amir khan,action with salman khan and kiss to sharukh khan..."swara said in dreamy voice.she keeps on dreaming during her walk to washroom then getting back.

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