Chapter 23

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Early the next morning, Osi locked his room door and removed his experiment from the wardrobe. The key had solidified and he carefully broke apart the soap and retrieved it.
He took his time to clean it until all the soap particles were off then he studied the outcome.
Honestly it looked ugly and was quite shapeless but he was optimistic. The most important part was the teeth of the key and he thought it had turned out pretty well.
Satisfied, he placed the key gently in one of his shirt pockets.

"Pastor, I was hoping you'd like to accompany me to church today" pastor Batholomew mentioned over breakfast.
Breakfast in question was cereal. The pastor had more than enough cereal stashed in his cupboards.
Batholomew explained that someone always prepared lunch and dinner for him so he hardly cooked. She brought it home at times and sometimes to the church. So he really didn't cook much.
"Who is this person...I smell wedding bells" Osi joked.
"Ah...actually it's my sister in law. Sofiri's wife"
"I didn't know your brother was married" Osi was mildly surprised.
"Yes he is, almost two years now"
"So since Sofiri works in the church office with me he comes with a very large flask with enough food for the day"
"This past week must have been an inconvenience" Osi wondered if the couple had kids yet. But then he thought: maybe the house was very big and could contain them comfortably and besides they were family.
"So...would you follow me for the ministers meeting today?" Pastor Batholomew asked him again.
"Errrm...actually I have something to do this morning...I'd catch up. Before noon I should be done"

Steve woke up very early that morning. He brushed his teeth and shaved his jaw. Whistling softly as he observed the mirror. He had always had an eye for Amara but then again who wouldn't? And to be fair he had always had a thing for dark skinned girls...
He bided his time a bit and then decided 8:35am wasn't too early.
He was already out the door when he stopped.
He thought hard. Two days ago, he had dodged a bullet and since then his mind hadn't really been at rest. Especially with the pastor still around.
He decided not to risk it. He entered his room and opened his wardrobe.
He dug inside and retrieved a slim case.
Stevenson opened the case, using a 4 digit combination code and stared at the contents. Satisfied, he locked the briefcase and carried it with him.
He didn't feel he should let it out of his sight today.

Osi had it in mind to stroll by Amara's place and talk to her before taking up his new found 'hiding spot' just as he had done the day before.
However from a distance he could already see the European talking to Amara as they stood outside the gate.
He suddenly remembered the kissing statement and frowned. At least it was too early!
Amara must have been standing outside on purpose maybe for him to see them and know the 60 minutes countdown had begun. However he maintained his position until they entered the compound.
He hoped Dé Nwachukwu was indoors today.
Maybe he wasn't really observant or maybe it was his many thoughts but he didn't notice the slim case in the Europeans hands.
Although to be fair, Steve had both hands in his front and held the case up to his chest.

Amara asked herself for the thousandth time what was in the case Steve held. The manner in which he griped the case, like his life depended on it, he did't even drop it on the floor but kept it in his lap, drumming his fingers softly on the hard leather exterior. When she couldn't take it anymore, she had to ask the man himself.

"Stevenson" she settled on the bench beside him. The lesson would be outside today. Dé Nwachukwu was around.
"What's in your suitcase, research materials?" She asked him innocently.
He smiled. "Ah...noooo, everything I need to tell you is right here" he touched his head.
"Oh..." Amara wouldn't relent "Are you going anywhere from here? You look like you're going to work" she said it jokingly but she was burning with suspicion.
"Aaahh, no...actually, it contains the manuscript for my books...I'm working on the final editing"
"Ohhh..." She didn't believe him one bit and she suddenly thought whatever Osi was supposed to find today wasn't in his house, it was in the case. She flashed him a charming smile "can I read've been here for like a year now, I'm dying to see the output of all your research. Let me see what you plan to tell your people about my people"
"Ahhh..." That seemed to be his favourite word this morning. "Actually...I'm a very strict kind of writer...I don't normally allow people view my work until it's in print, especially at this final's a superstition of mine"
"Surely you can make an exception" she batted her lashes at him.

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