Approaching Yourself Is Hard

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Okay so you decided to take time out of your day and see where this is going. Congrats again, you've subconcsiously agreed with yourself that maybe you really aren't alone. Moving on to what really matters.

Before you make friends with someone, you take in their appearance, right? You take note of every little thing about them that strikes your likes and dislikes, wether it be the way they hold themselves or the way their hand twitches when the talk. You notice before you approach.

Now what I want you to do is get up, and find a mirror. No really, get up and move yourself to a mirror, even if you have to go into the bathroom or across the house. This is the important part in my eyes. Are you in front of the mirror yet? Good. Now, look up and into that mirror. What do you see? Do you see an ugly face? Or do you see nobody could ever like? Or maybe you see a nobody? Whatever you see, remember it and turn away.

Okay so maybe now you're second guessing about reading on. And maybe you need to keep reading.

Now, remember what you saw? What makes you think that is what makes your appearance? Keep thinking that reason over, is it really worth all the fuss? I don't think so. Think about who made you think that was true. Not such a big of a deal now, is it?

See, the person who makes you think that that is true is not your friend. Obviously. So if they're not your friend, why believe them? Yeah, maybe they do repeat it every day they can breathe it, but why believe it? They don't matter because they don't take the time to figure out who you really are. They don't matter because they think they're better than you just because they've had their life handed to them with a shiny cherry on top.

Do you get what I'm saying, friend? If you don't believe my oh so wisdom-y words then maybe you should re-read that hefty chunk of words that I oh so carefully thought out for you. And if you just so happen to follow my jumbled words, read on I say, read on.

Now with that mumbo-jumbo in your fragile brain of yours, turn back around and look at that reflection again. Now what do you see? Do you see that innocent boy or girl that lives to sing and read? Or do you see a proud fan of a TV show? Or maybe you see a pretty/handsome face with a dazzling twinkle in their eye? It also might be the special way your hair sways, the way your smile illuminates the room, how your nose might scrunch up, or how your laugh makes others join in with glee.

Maybe you don't accept it, but until you do, I want you to stare as intently as you possibly can at that reflection until the first brush stroke of realisation carresses your presious heart. Until you can realise and accept that approaching is harder than looking and that the looking, it doesn't even matter. What matter is what lies inside.

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