Wolfsbane (3)

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You have chosen for Wolfsbane to lead you..

Wolfsbane gives a nod as she walks over.

".. you should be training for your mission, Wolf..." Foxglove's whispered as she walked away, disappearing into a tunnel on the opposite side of the cavern. Her silvery white wings shifted, trailing behind her. Her tail swayed as she walked off.

" Yeah, yeah. You don't know how much I've been preparing for it." Wolfsbane grumbled as she glanced at you. " Come on, let's start the tour." you follow her as she walks out the hallway you came in from. " We'll start from the outside and work our way in." you walk back through the dark tunnel. You notice a couple of smaller hallways that branch out from this hall, maybe they opened up to rooms? Maybe more halls and tunnels?

The bright sunlight temporary blinds your vision as you step outside once more. Blinking a couple of times, you continued to follow Wolfsbane as she walks to the edge of the camp. Her light grey tail swayed as she waited for you to walk up to her. Her dark brown eyes watched you, almost as if she could sense what you were thinking and your intentions.

" So.. I'm assuming Fox told you where you are right?" Wolfsbane starts, her dark brown eyes scanned over the lake area. You simply nod in response as she starts to walk again, heading towards the large cave again? Is that what it was? It seems too small to harbor that large cavern and all those hallways.. " It's underground."

" Huh?" You snap out of your thoughts as you hear Wolfsbane speak.

" The answer to your question. The majority of Crystal Pack's home is underground."

' How did she even know t-?!'

" I'm a mind reader, silly." You feel her playfully poke your shoulder before starting up a ramp. " Come on, I'll show you what I mean by Crystal Pack is underground." you trug up the ramp after her until you reached the top of the cave. A large forest expanded out before you. Mountains loomed in the distance, while the faint blinking light of civilization glowed in the distance in a faint contrast to the darkening background. " This is the area we control." Wolfsbane explained quietly, the cool night breeze blew by, ruffling her fur as she brushed back her braided hair. Her hand points to the mountains to where the blinking lights were. ".. all of it." her dark brown eyes looked over the darkening forest. ".. We usually get around with a series of underground tunnels."

".. That must have taken years to make.."

" Not really. We got lucky and stumbled across an underground cave network that could reach all parts of our territory. Dancing Flame and I discovered it while hunting."

" Dancing Flame?"

" She's the co-founder to Crystal Pack. She and her brother founded this place as a safe haven for supernatural creatures." Wolf explained softly, her dark brown eyes softened slightly. ".. she's a wonderful person. Maybe you'll run into her while she's heading out to hunt or maybe during a meeting." you nod slightly. Wolf speaks very highly of Dancing Flame, maybe she's a really good person?

"... She's a hunter?" you ask, prompting a nod from Wolf.

".. Here in Crystal Pack, we have different roles. Dancing Flame is one of the hunters here. Sea's the Alpha. Embers a spy."

" What about you?"

" Huh? Me?" Wolf hesitated to answer, her dark brown eyes dulled slightly ".. I'm one of the assassins."

".. oh." maybe that wasn't a good idea to ask? Probably a sensitive topic..

".. In any case, we should start to move.." Wolfsbane spoke after what seemed like a couple minutes of silence. ".. The meetings tonight."

" Meeting?"

" Yeah. Alpha called a meeting tonight earlier today." Wolfsbane glanced back at you, taking your hand, " Let's go. It'll take a while to get there." she walks into the cave through an opening nearby, leading you through the tunnels.






" It's just up ahead." you and Wolfsbane reemerge from the tunnels after some walking. You were near the city now. She leads you closer to the city, pointing to what looked like a large house that layed on the outskirts of the city.

" Hey, thanks for guiding me he-" you turn around to thank Wolfsbane, only to find no one there anymore. " Huh?!" you turn in a full circle, seeing no signs of the silvery Kitsune. Shrugging it off, you walk towards the house. You walk to the front door, spotting a person standing there. His watchful eyes scanning over the area before landing on you.

" Hey. You-"

" Don't mind." a familiar voice spoke calmly, " (Y/n)'s with us." Foxglove walked up behind you, her dark brown eyes flickered as she made eye contact with the boy.

".. oh.. I see." the boy looked away before stepping aside. Foxglove gave a faint smile before walking in, waving for you to follow. You walk inside the house and out of the cool night.

" No Wolfsbane?" Foxglove asked as she walked beside you.

".. she disappeared." You admitted. Foxglove nodded as she turned to walk into a room.

" In here." she spoke quietly, "Seems we're early.." she observed, looking around at the few people in the room, "Feel free to talk to anyone while we wait." she then walks off into the room to a girl who sat in a corner.

" Okay..?" you looked around the room, deciding. There were five people in the room right now. A girl with long black hair with purple highlights and what appeared to be feathers? tucked behind her right ear sat in a darker corner of the room alongside Ember. A pair of young girls sat side by side on a couch near the fireplace. A boy and a girl were going nose to nose, almost in an argument.

Who would you like to talk to?

The girl in the corner? Page 6

The pair of girls on the couch? Page 7

The boy and girl who seemed to be in an argument?  Page 8

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