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I set my phone on my night stand and sat on my floor soon he calls and the green and red button pop pop I look in the mirror really quick , yikes . I shrug it off eh it's just hair I answer the call "hi corbs" he say he smiles "hi" there was a little silence "care to explain" he continued I laughed "right right so umm I guess start from the begging" I said "and where's that" he replied "well I guess it would be when my mom died" his facial expression changed like that "Izzy I'm so sorry" I smiled "corbyn it's ok" I paused and continued "so my mom she passed while giving birth to my younger sister and maggy's mom was besties with my mom so that's how I know maggy she's like the only person I would call my best friend besides the twins see I live in la and I ran into the twins a few years back we immediately clicked" I said he cut me off "and you date Ethan ?" I looked confused then I remembered "oh no I just call everyone bby I mean we did date last year but that ended badly" I said and looked down playing with my fingers "Izzy if you don't want to tell me you really don't have to" he said I could tell he felt bad "no corbs it's fine see Ethan he cheated on me and I ended things to this day he'll tell me he regrets his decision I know he means it but I can't put my self through that kinda of pain again when I already am insecure and me already having trust issues from my father that made it worse" I stopped there I wasn't going to tell him about my father at least not now. "Well he should be sorry he should feel awful for hurting you Izzy you do not deserve that and I know we never met in real life but I can tell your sweet and funny and caring and your beautiful you deserve someone who would treat you with nothing but love and respect" I smiled and a tear rolled out of my eye "no ones ever cared enough to say anything like that to me" I trailed off looking down "well I care" I looked up he smiled "but what did you say earlier you live in la" I nodded "Izzy we had to meet up" I looked at him confused "oh my gosh that's right you live in la with the boys" we both laughed he nodded "well I love to meet up one day" he smiled "me to" I smiled "corbynnnnn" I heard a boy from the background but he quickly appeared in the screen I realized it was Zach the youngin "is that Christi-" he stopped himself when he saw me "no it's not Christina this is izzy" corbyn smiled and she spoke "well hello there Izzy" corbyn slapped his arm I laughed "hi Zach" zach laughed "she knows us" I nodded "her little sister is a huge fan" Corbyn said I added "yeah she's in love with Danny" zach nodded "actually I met her because of your dumb ass giving me the wrong number" zach laughed "well look on the bright side she seems sweet and funny and she's beautiful so I say it turned out ok" I smiled turning red "ok ok that's enough" I said corbyn looked at zach "she hates compliments" zach smiled and corbyn smirked then they both said "well you beautiful and sweet and funny" we all laughed these boys man "where's all the guys at" I asked "in the back want me to get them" corbyn said "nah it's ok" i said "well Imma leave you two alone" zAc h said and left "so you still in school" corbyn said "actually yeah I'm 18 but I'm graduating early-ish well next month actually" he smiled "that's great college ?" I looked down "see I never thought about college me and my mom would always take about how one day I'd be a supper star in the music business" he smiled really big "you sing!" He yelled I nodded "cmon sing something" I smiled "I rather not I haven't sang since my mom left" I said he smiled "it's ok Izzy I'm sure your mom would want you to still be singing but that's all you choice" he's right but I'm still not going to sing for him I laughed "thanks corbs" he smiled "well I have to go me and the guys have a photo shoot in like 2o minutes" I smiled "be sure to post so I can seeee" he laughed or more like giggled "oh my gosh your gonna kill one day" I said "why" he replied " I said that out loud?" I questioned he laughed and nodded "your laugh well your giggle it's the cuentes thing stoopp" I said as he started laughing again causing me to laugh "I'll be sure to post I'll text you late then?" He said I smiled and nodded "yes now bye corbs" he smiled and hung up

I stood up and went over to my closet i grabbed a pair of dark ripped jeans an hoodie and my vans i got dressed and let my hair down i brushed it and shrugged then I went into my sisters room she had already been dressed and ready to go every Saturday me and Andy head out to the hall for the whole day we get Rita's see a movie and just hang out looking around definitely beats staying home hiding from our dad all day she smiled "I'm already ready" I laughed and left her room she followed me surprise surprise my dad was still sleeping I grabbed the car keys and we left ... I pulled up to the mall we got out practically ran to the Cinema "hmm what do you wanna see this time" i asked my younger sister she shrugged I looked at our options "how about the nun again" she nodded and laughed We seen the nun about 5 times already even tho being she's only 6 she's in love it's scary movies just like I am of course we get scared but we love the feeling more than anything else I bought our tickets we had an hour to spare before the movies I took her hand we went to Rita's I get her the normal cotton candy and my sweetish fish we sat at a table and I listened to her ramble and god knows what within 10 minutes I felt someone approach me the covered my eyes with their hands and said "guess who" I immediately recognized his voice I jumped up "E!" I screened as I hugged him tightly "hey Izzy" he smiled and hugged me back tighter "I missed you" he whispered "I missed you to e" i replied I let him go and looked up at him "I knew I would run into you here" he said I smiled Ethan used to come with us all the time that is until we broke up since then it's just been me and Andy "e-tee-wee-teeeeee" Andy said and jumped out of her seat running to Ethan she adored the twins they loved her "hey kiddo" Ethan said and hugged Andy lifting her off her feet and kissing her head "wanna watch a scary movie with us" Andy asked he looked at me I nodded letting him know it would be ok if he joined us after all Andy loved him it would make her happy and I missed him so why not catch up "of course Andy" she smiled "yayyy is gray here" she asked "nah he stayed home" he said she nodded I checked the time we should get going the movies about to start Ethan carried Andy into the movies I sat down Ethan next to me Andy on his lap .. half way through the movie I looked over admiring the two he noticed me he looked at me and smiled I smiled he looked back at the screen I laid my head in his shoulder I really do miss him before he cheated we were so good together he treated me with respect he was over protective he took care of me and Andy he kept us away from my father I miss him a lot ...

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