Their is a girl not how you know she loves plying music that is what she always what to do before something really magical happened she preformed for music class it went all good before she for got what to do so she did one of her own they all loved it. At the end of the day they gives the rezolt she saw her name miya she was so happy but her ma was not so miyas ma was very crosse she said she did not care she lose the brases and glasses she wanted to de her self that what she did
Her dating lifeMiya has not been in eny relashinship
She would sit down and do nothing she took her draces of and got contacks a boy came up to miya he just kiss her out of no wear she said his is my first time doing this. Hi I'm Jake hi my name is miya she said love at first lite she love him very deeply
Miyas Story
RomanceAll she wanted to do de a music person and she got Ind but her ma was crossshe meets a boy she is very happy and so is jake