chapter 1

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A/n: idk what came over me but I'll try my best to write this fanfic ic it's the last thing I do! Hopefully I can characterize them right...

Now... DISCLAIMER: Naruto and Boruto doesn't belong to me nor will it ever be in any other dimension.


In the Uzumaki household. A young kunoichi is very excited. Her big brother is coming home from a long training mission.

"Himawari! Can you please set up the table?" Hinata's motherly voice rang out.

"Yes mum!" She answered as she went downstairs to do her task.

"Mama? When will Boruto-nii be here already?" Himawari asked as she was setting the table up. Hinata giggled at her daughter

"You miss him don't you?" Hinata asked her daughter "well it's anyday now. So be patient OK? For now let's eat"

Nodding her head as she sat down with her mother. She wondered about her big brother and one thing is on her mind. 'Did he change?'.

Little does she know but a certain uchiha princess is thinking of the same thing as she sighed deeply onyx eyes staring at her food

"Sarada?" Looking up she saw her mother looking at her worriedly

"Yes mama?"

"Is something the matter?" Shaking her head no sarad answered

"Just thinking about something..."

"Something or someone?" Sarada looked up at her mom blushing

"What! No!" Sakura laughed at her child. "I'm not thinking of Boru-SOMEONE!"

"Ah I see so it is about Boruto" Sakura added teasing her  daughter.

"MOM!" Her face is like a tomato now.

"I'm just teasing sarada. Don't worry about Boruto he's with your dad right"

"Right..." Truthfully Sarada is a little jealous of Boruto who gotten to spend the most time with her father training more than her his daughter.

"But I'm not thinking about Boruto" she added huffing indignantly.

"Whatever you say sweetie." Answered Sakura "but you do make a cute couple. If he becomes your boyfriend. I'll support it! Imagine me and Hinata will become in laws!" She teased.

"MAMA!" Sarada shouted as Sakura laughed 'this is embarrassing' she though sulkily

"Fine fine enough of this. Let's just eat OK?" Nodding her head Sarada started eating again.

"You do have to admit that you like him right?" Internally groaning Sarada just resigned to her faith.

A few miles away from the gates of Konoha two ninja are jumping on the trees.

The first one younger than the other. The younger shinobi has Blond hair and blue eyes wearing a black jacket and shinobi pants on his forehead glinting from being hitted by the rays of the sun sitting proudly is his forehead protector with the lead symbol engraved on it.

This is Uzumaki Boruto with him is his uncle and Mentor Uchiha Sasuke
both Shinobi slowed down as the gates of Konoha gotten nearer.

"I'm home 'tebassa!" He shouted obviously excited.

"We'll report to Hokage-sama first" Sasuke grunted and he did just that using the body flicker technique.

Boruto followed his mentor using Shunshin as well.

*scene change*

Inside the familiar  Hokage tower is the Hokage's office.

Sitting proudly on his chair with his Hokage robes is Uzumaki Naruto. The hero of Shinobi  nations.

Around his table is an insane and quite unrealistically large pile of paper work which seemed to increase as time went by.

Feeling a familiar Chakra presence. In front of him stood Sasuke following a few moments later is his son.

"Here's the written mission report" the Raven handed a scroll to Naruto

"Always following rules huh Sasuke?" Asked Naruto somewhat teasingly  as he was answered by a grunt

"You can report later. You know that 'Tebayo" eyes then drifted to his son who looked much older when he last saw him and stronger too he can feel it.

"Welcome Home son!" Naruto said with his signature grin holding out a fist

Automatically bumping it Boruto grinned as well "Thanks dad!"

Looking outside the windows of That office he saw Konoha smiling inwardly feeling a warm feeling. His eyes brightened.



That's a wrap! Truthfully I'm pretty sure most of the characters will be ooc
I made them act the way I think they will act and hopefully it will be close enough if still ooc hopefully in a good way...

About Boruto and Naruto having a good relationship here. Boruto left when he was 14  training outside of Konoha with Sasuke for two years

He's mature now and so he understands plus he's naruto here is working hard the past years to make amends so yeah good relationship and less paperwork honestly give my boi Naruto a break!

This is my first Fanfic so be as criticizing as much as possible! I wanted to improve. The actual story will start later on not necessarily the next chapter since I need to build up on foundations of the story

This is all Ja Ne!

Chapter status :
Complete /

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