What shall we call you?

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| Emma's POV |

"I swear to fuck I'm not looking after that Satan spawn" Ethan spits tapping his pen on the desk as I cradle the baby on my lap to make sure that it isn't the first child to cry. Although I hate this I want to win, I want to succeed, even if I have to be a single parent.

"Why not? Your mom looked after you" I spit back and he looks at me gone out as if to ask me why the hell I was so accepting of this project.

It's not that I like it, if he thought I did then he was fucking wrong, I just really want to pass this class so I can leave this hell hole forever and I never have to see a Dolan ever again.

"So what are we calling her?" I ask him for some reason, like I expect an actual serious response. Ethan scoffs and looks down at the paper littered with questions about our fake daughter.

"Nicki Minaj" he responds completely seriously and I look at him with a dumbfounded look. Did he seriously expect me to call this doll, OUR DAUGHTER, Nicki Minaj?

"I'll pass on that one" I respond back sarcastically. Was he going to be this difficult the whole fucking time?

"Don't expect me to give you anymore suggestions then" he mumbles, knocking his head back and closing his eyes as if he was sleeping through his annoyance

"So when's your birthday?" I ask staring down at the paper, knowing these next three weeks are going to be hell

"This is a project, not 20 questions. I don't want to get to know you" he says rather rudely. I feel like punching him across his cocky stupid face

"It's a question on the paper you fucking asswipe" I snarl back with disgust. He really was going to make this experience as hard for me as possible

"Oh...16th December" he reluctantly replies and I scribble it down, filling in my own information as I went without engaging in any conversation with him.

I watch as the other couples coo'd over their baby and I feel a surge of sadness, why couldn't I have been partnered with someone like William who was telling his baby momma that they should create a rota for who looks after their child.

Ethan is now intently watching me write down my name under the title mother which makes me want to vomit thinking that maybe in some alternate universe we would've had to make contact to make this damn baby

"Grant" he mumbles "that's my middle name" he taps upon one of the questions and I begin to scribble down his answer. Grant, huh? Isn't that like an elderly mans name? "Francis? Phahaha Francis? That's your middle name?" He spurts with laughter

"And what?" I scowl, knowing myself that it was an awful name but also wanting a reason to argue with the son of a bitch, how could he pass judgement when his middle name is fucking Grant

"Isn't that a mans name?" He scoffs

"Well obviously not" I respond back quickly, what gives him the right to bully me over that? What makes the name Ethan any better? I growl and look back at the paper wondering what I can fill in next and other than the name there isn't anything else to do, so I skim through the assignments.

•Take your baby out for a fun day
•Film you and your baby
•Create a final video
•Attend child & development class
•Feed back information

"Emma I'm speaking to you" calls Ethan, snapping me out of my day dream


"I said that you're looking after it tonight" he states as if we had already discussed it and he was just reiterating it. Hell, I knew I'd be caring for this baby the whole three weeks.

"It's a her" I argue back after he just called the precious thing an 'it' "and fine but you're having her tomorrow night, deal?"

"Deal" he says offering out his hand for a hand shake but snatches it back before I shake it so that he doesn't get whatever diseases he thought I had. I didn't mind, it meant I didn't catch an STD either

"Wait so this baby is the spawn of you and Ethan Dolan?" Hannah asks as she cradles the fake baby on the way back to my house for a girly night

"Yes please stop reminding me that I have to co-own her" I groan running my hand through my hair as Ellie falls into hysterics just at the thought of me and Ethan having a baby

"Wait" she wheezes between laughs "imagine how troubled that child would be if it was actually both yours and Ethan's real baby"

I pretend to vomit in my mouth just at the thought of what we would have to do to conceive that devil child and Hannah laughs too,

"But it would be a good damn looking child"

"Amen" Ellie joins in.

Then all of a sudden the baby starts to wail, so I pry her from Hannah and begin to pat the robotic doll on its back hoping that it just had wind. I swear to god I look insane as I treat this doll as if it was a real child

"Hush hush, I know, auntie Hannah nipped you" I tease when the child silences and Hannah's jaw hangs open and Ellie can't stop laughing.

Maybe if anything at least a little bit of laughter would come out of this project.

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