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ludvig (id.refresh)

eye color: blue
hair: short, blonde
ethnicity: white
height: 183 cm
favorite color: low saturation blues
favorite food: does coffee count..?
hobbies: being dumb
favorite clothes: anything comfortable
best friend: bao

bao (id.benno)

sign: gemini
eye color: dark brown
hair: straight hair that curls at the ends, black
ethnicity: vietnamese
height: 178 cm
favorite color: mint/vibrant yellows
favorite food: ice cream
hobbies: playing video games
favorite clothes: free or oversized shirts (usually horizontal stripe patterns) and jeans
best friend: ludvig

tina (

eye color: wears colored lenses
hair: long, wavy, thick, bleached tips, black
ethnicity: chinese
height: 164 cm
favorite color: blue
favorite food: nitrogen ice cream
hobbies: photoshop
favorite clothes: casual but stylish
best friend: christal

chantal (id.perry)

sign: aries
eye color: dark brown
hair: medium length, rests above the bxxbs, auburn
ethnicity: white.. very pale
height: 173 cm
favorite color: purple!! and yellow
favorite food: mashed potatoes
hobbies: video games, id., reading
favorite clothes: jeans, casual sneakers (favs are galaxy vans cause she's basic), cardigans
best friend: elli

elli (id.ellie)

eye color: whisky gold
hair: long bob, midnight black
ethnicity: asian
height: 165 cm
favorite color: soft reds
favorite foods: pad siew
hobbies: procrastinating, watching hockey and soccer, EATING!!!!!!!, friends uwu <3
favorite clothes: cute
best friend: chantal


christal (id.christal)

sign: taurus
eye color: blue
hair: fxcked up wavy frizzyish towards the ends, shoulderish length, faded purple brown
ethnicity: white ghost white
height: 160 cm
favorite color: red
favorite food: mashed potatoes or like ice cream
hobbies: volleyball, hibernating
favorite clothes: oversized sweaters, leggings, simple oversize tshirts
best friend: tina

yasmim (id.mim)

sign: sagittarius
eye color: dark brown
hair: straight and long, layered, black
ethnicity: brazilian
height: 160 cm
favorite color: pink
favorite food: sushi
hobbies: anime
favorite clothes: sweater and leggings in the winter and tshirts and shorts or short skirts in summer
best friend: luke

luke (id.lucas)

sign: aries
eye color: dark blue
hair: straight, buzzed on the sides and long on the top, dirty blonde
ethnicity: white
height: 172 cm
favorite color: pastel pinks and yellows
favorite food: peanut butter
hobbies: anime, kpop, reading, writing
favorite clothes: fleece jackets and skinny jeans
best friend: yasmim

sophie (id.sof)

sign: capricorn
eye color: green
hair: silky and long, brown
ethnicity: british
height: 163 cm
favorite color: rose gold
favorite food: broccoli
hobbies: stanning yoo yongha
favorite clothes: casual clothes with chavvy nike air force blue suede
best friend: none

sébastien (id.carrott)

sign: cancer
eye color: green
hair: short, black
ethnicity: white af
height: 172 cm
favorite color: green
favorite food: chocolate
hobbies: sleeping
favorite clothes: idk
best friend: jack


tanner (id.tanner)

eye color: green
hair: not very long and nice but thin, brown
ethnicity: whitey
height: 175 cm
favorite color: purple shxt
favorite food: chicken nuggies
hobbies: jerking off, kpop, video games, talking about how mexican women always fxck him over
favorite clothes: khaki shorts and hoodies
best friend: none

jack (id.jihye)

sign: gemini
eye color: brown
hair: kinda short and wavy, black
ethnicity: asian
height: 165 cm
favorite color: black
favorite food: idk
hobbies: fashion, photography, games
favorite clothes: chic
best friend: sébastien


andy (id.fiery)

eye color: dark brown
hair: non mullet but long af fringe, black
ethnicity: chinese
height: 176 cm
favorite color: blue
favorite food: bubble tea
hobbies: slandering charlie, reading webtoons
favorite clothes: pullovers, sweatpants
best friend: fleur

jeremy (id.germ)


eye color: black
hair: smooth, bangs just below the eyebrows, black
ethnicity: chinese
height: 170 cm
favorite color: pink
favorite food: burger
hobbies: games, anime, music, hating henry
favorite clothes: half button up shirt with shorts and a hoodie
best friend: fleur

fleur (id.jie)

eye color: hazel
hair: below shoulders and thin, dark brown
ethnicity: half white, half chinese
height: 160 cm
favorite color: blue
favorite food: vegan pad siew
hobbies: reading
favorite clothes: simple like shirts and jeans
best friend: jeremy, andy

henry (id.shiyu)

eye color: dark brown
hair: smooth, dark brown
ethnicity: asian
height: 170 cm
favorite color: beige
favorite food: ice cream
hobbies: kpop, jpop, cpop, maplestory 2
favorite clothes: sweater and trousers
best friend: none

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