Welcome To Riverdale

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I couldn't believe my parents were picking our lives up and moving us. I didn't even know where we were going they wouldn't tell me. "So what's this town called anyways?" I asked my parents from the seat in the back behind my mothers my head was leaning against the cold window I had one earbud in and one out as my mom said "Veronica don't be so sour about it" "we're going to a town called Riverdale" my dad remarked looking back at me. Just as he looked back the road turned at the slightest angle as are car jerked to the side I protested "dad watch the road!" "I got this" he said calmly "oh we're here!" my mom said excited as she pointed to a home directly in front of us. "This is it?" I asked my pelican eyebrow shooting up to my forehead "yes!" my dad said waving his pointer finger in the air "come on let's got check it out!" my mom said with excitement. I walked inside my dark heels cracking against the hard wood floor I already left a scratch. The entrance of the house to be honest was a little bit underwhelming. Their was a staircase that circled at the end I grabbed on to it as I trotted up the stairs my blue dress swaying at my sides.

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