Why Me?

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This is what I was asking the red haired boy who was sitting across from me, "I don't know Ronnie?" the pale boy said to me sarcastically. Now at this point you have to be confused if your not than good for you now let's get back to the story and then I'll go back. "Oh, archiekins!" I say enthusiastically. Now we can back track. As I walked up the stairs my blue dress swishing at my sides I came to a stop at the top and to the right was a rom all blue probably for me I thought so I walked in and looked around. The next day I woke up in the cold bed all the sheets blankets pillows comforter all on the floor I'm a wild sleeper. I walk downstairs grab my backpack off a hook by the door then I notice my parents in the living room sitting and talking about something whatever I wave them bye then they notice me wave back and I walk out and shut the door. I start walking not knowing where I'm going I'll just go to the first school I see. I'm walking for a while when I see a school there's a boy and a girl on the front lawn bickering the girls hair is held tightly up in a ponytail dirty blonde she's wearing a pink shirt blue jeans and pale white flats the boy has red hair and he's wearing a t shirt and jeans and sneakers he's really pale I wonder what there arguing about? I walk up closer and I can hear them now he's breaking up with her and she's upset about it apparently. I try to walk past them but somehow the girls sucks me in to there fight. "Can you believe what he's doing to me?" the girl asks me in fury he gives me a sympathetic look and I shoot him one back. After I don't answer for a few minutes the girl stocks away. "Wow" I say "is she always like that?" I ask "pretty much" he says shrugging his hands nervously in his pockets we both laugh and start walking towards the entrance of the school. "I'm just wondering how she has time for a big production breakup like that?" I ask "I mean she can't be late for being early to class" I joke as he opens the door for me. "So your new here?" he asks "yeah" I say shyly "cool!" he adds a little bit to quickly back to make me feel better "that means I get to show you around" he said flirty "yep" I say proudly. After school he offered to take me to a diner so I said yes. This diner was so far away from the school it took awhile to get there. But when we got there it was great we sat down and ate conversation just flowed. And then he asked me out and then I asked "why me?" and then the convo continued as you seen the nicknames we came up with his names Archie so I came up with archiekins and my name is Veronica so he came up with Ronnie I will forever be called Ronnie instead of Veronica. He said the blondes name was Betty and he had wanted to break up with her since she forced him to date her. Anyways back to the convo "yes!" I say happily and we both smiled.

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