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After Sam brought me home I went into 'Zombie' mode. I did go through my life and I tried, oh I tried, so hard to forget he existed. It's so hard when people ask about him all the time.

"Where is your boyfriend, Bella?"

"I can see why he left you."

"Why did you ever think you were good enough for him."

"Bells, you have an envelope waiting on the table for you. I gotta head to the station see ya tonight," dad says as we pass each other.

"Be safe," I give him a pointed look.

"Always am," he replies.

I walk inside and get things done. Once again in zombie mode and now auto pilot. My gut is telling me I will get bad news soon. I look at the envelope and see it's from WSU. I applied there for college.

4 Years Later

Graduation day spent alone. Dad died 2 years ago thanks to the red headed bitch out to destroy my life. She got what she wished for. The sweet, innocent, stupid girl no longer exists. In place is the new me cold, heartless, and a badass bitch. Made a few friends but they wouldn't miss me if I went missing. Now I'm working in a bar in Seattle. Not sure what exactly to do with my life. My best friend Jake imprinted so I never saw him anymore as his imprint happened to be Jessica Stanley.

"Bella, are you coming out tonight?" Heather asks coming out of my bathroom.

"Heather, you know I like partying, but I really don't feel like it tonight."

"Fine, suit yourself, but know if Derek asks about you I'm pointing him in your direction."

I sigh and shake my head. Derek Mathers was a pain in my ass and he was another Mike Newton. I decided to text Heather thirty minutes after she left and tell her not to bother pointing Derek in my direction because I wasn't going to be home. Time to find another job. It's been four years and no sign of anything supernatural. It hurts to think I'm so easy to forget.

5 Years Later

It has been ten years since he left and I'm sick of my life. I went to school, graduates, went back to school, and even graduated with another degree. I had two degrees working on the third. I have to go to class soon and before I can do that in have to call to check in on Billy. Jake had gotten married a few months ago and when they got back from the honeymoon his imprint became ill. She passed a few days ago and Jake is now all wolf. No one can get him to phase back and everyone is scared for him.

"Hello?" A rough voice answers the phone.

"Is Billy there?" I ask not recognizing the voice.

"Bells?" The voice asks.


"Oh Bells," he says.

He asks me to come down as Billy is getting bad and he cant do this alone. I tell him I'd be there soon and not to lose hope. Ive lost hope for myself, but I wouldnt let my best friend suffer alone like I had to.

Two and a half hours later I make my way into La Push. I'm met at the boarder by Sam and Jared. Sam asks how I'm doing and I tell him I'd talk to him after I check on Billy and Jake. I may not have like Jess, but I wouldnt have ever wanted her dead knowing it would kill my best friend. We pull up to the Black's house and I get out of the car as soon as I stop. I'm guessing one of the guys shut off my car as I was sure I left it running.

"Jake?" I go running in.

"Bells?" He comes into the room.

I stop in my tracks because the man standing in front of me isn't the one I seen when he got married. I walked into his open arms and let the tears fall freely. He takes me to Billy's room telling me Billy has been asking for me. I walk into the room and a batch of fresh tears fill my eyes.

"Oh Billy," I say crying.

"Bella, listen. Things are going to change and its for the best. Know Charlie and I will be watching over you and I hope in turn you can always make sure Jake is okay," he tells me in a voice above a whisper.

"You can't leave Billy! Ive lost dad and I cant lose you as well. Think of Jake. He's just lost Jess now hes goinna have to lose you as well."

"Jake has stopped phasing. He's as human as they come," he says.

I'd been there two weeks when he passed away. Jake looked even worse and we stayed up for a few nights just talking. The pack and other elders threw a huge bonfire to celebrate Billy's long life. I sent a silent prayer up asking Billy and my dad to keep an eye on me as I had a gut feeling that my life was about to change. Jake asked if he could come stay with me and I told him he was more than welcomed to. I had a spare room and there wasn't anything left for him there since his dad passed away. Sam told me if I needed anything to let him know and he would help us out. I shook my head and told him there was no need.

1 Year Later

Six months ago Jake moved in with a couple of guys he met at school. After moving up here with me We started an easy friendship. He was going to school for mechanics and surprisingly passed all his tests with no issue. He opened his own garage and now him and the three guys he lives with all work there. He kept my car in amazing shape and I couldn't be more grateful for him. I told Jake that I was going out of town as I had a feeling I was going to run into a vamp for the first time in ten years. Jake was going to come house sit for me this weekend so he wouldn't be here until Friday night after work. Today's Tuesday and I know he's at work so when a knock on my door catches my attention. I didn't know who it could be so I walk over to the door and look at the peep hole. I see four people in black cloaks and realize that the Volturi have finally found me. I wasn't sure what was going to happen but I know it wouldn't be good. I open the door and when the one who was knocking on my door looks at me I lose my breath.

A/N: Here is the first chapter. Hope you guys enjoy. Next time we will learn what Felix has been up to for ten years. Til next time...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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