Chapter 5: Katies big crush

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A/N: Sorry I've been gone sooo long. I'll make it up to you by making this a little longer. and I won't update as much cause my birthdays coming up. but, I'll update the night before my birthday so you'll know when its my birthday . So next time I update is August 22 at like 10 pm Eastern time. I love you guys though
Skye's POV


"Well... I do like someone in Adventure Bay... Can you guys keep a secret?" Katie told me and Chase. I think Chase and I were getting some weird telepathic connection because all of a sudden... "YESS OH MY GOD WE CAN KEEP A SECRET. WE SWEAR!!!" Chase and I said at the exact same time. We then looked at each other. Chase and I started laughing ands he blushed. Aww its so cute when he blushes. "Okay... Well... I like..." "Paw Patrol to the lookout!" "Ryder's calling!" Chase and I said in usion. Katie started to blush massively. Oh my gosh!? Does Katie like Ryder??? Oh my god!!!

"We have to go Katie, Ryder called. Sorry." Chase told Katie. She started to blush again. "Chase go ahead. I'll meet up with you guys really soon." I told Chase. He nodded and ran towards the lookout. Now I can find out of Katie really does like Ryder. "Katie... Do you like Ryder?" I asked her. "No." She said starting to laugh. "Who do you like then?" I ask suspiciously. "Alex." Okay she's like 10, Alex is like 5. She's gotta be kidding. Right? "You're kidding right? He's 5. you're 10." She started laughing. "Haha I was totally kidding. Yeah I like Ryder haha. You're face was like, What? omigosh." That was rude... "Sorry, I wasn't being rude." Did I say that out loud... or is she like psychic? "Yeah, you said that aloud. and you also asked that question out loud too." She told me. Wow... Since when did this start?

"Well I have to go before they--" I was interuppted by my collar. Oh great. "Skye, where are you? I've waited 10 minutes. This is important. Get over now, please." Ryder said, sounding angry. "And that's not a choice, its a demand." Yep, he's serious. "Gotta go!" "This pups gotta fly!" and my wings popped out. I got to the lookout.

"What's up? Sorry I was late. What's wrong?" I asked Ryder. "Where is everyone? Why is it only me and Chase?" "Because... I saw you guys going to Katie's. why'd you go?" He asked up. "Well... Ryder, sir, we asked Katie if she liked anyone but you called us before she answered." Chase told him. "But, when I stayed, I asked her and she said she liked Alex." I wanted to see his face. "WHAT!?!?" Chase AND Ryder said simultaneously. Woah. I didn't expect Chase to ask. "Well... Let me finish God. Then she said she was joking and she likes you." I re-assured Ryder smiling. He started to blush. Aww why is it boys are so cute when they turn red?

Ryder's POV

(A/N: I'm only gonna do Ryder's thoughts about this and then try to add. Its hard to write when you're tired at 2:20 in the morning.)

Woah... Katie likes me... Hold up no. Katie was kidding. I know she definitely doesn't like me... Or? omigosh!!! Katie likes me! KATIE LIKES ME!!! KATIE LIKES ME!!!!!!!!!!!! "KATIE LIKES ME!" I yelled. I cannot believe she likes me. "Yes oh my God! She likes you! Aren't you happy!" Skye asked me. "No... words can't describe how I'm feeling right now!" I told them. "Hey! Ask her out on a date!" Chase said. I think I will. "I think I will."

Skye's POV


"Me and Chase will help you out with your date. How you should look asking her, if she says no we'll help you through it. if she says yes, we'll help you out on how to look." I told Ryder. "Yeah! It'll be cool. Don't worry about a thing." Chase added. "Oh my God! you guys will really help me? Thank you so so so much!"

"No problem." Chase and I said together.

Time to spiffy Ryder up. Yay! Me and Chase put Ryder's hair like that pixie cut thing that everyone's doing. We then gave him a plaid shirt and some cute knee basketball shorts. Okay well they weren't cute, they just looked good on him. Whatever. Time to see Katie.

"Hey Katie!" I said. "Hey Skye!" She said back. "Hi Ryder... you look cu--different." Aww she's blushing again! Omigosh! "Hey Katie... Do you want to g-go out with m-me?" Ryder asked blushing redder than a tomato... Oh dear God. "Ryder..."

What will Katie's answer be? Find out August 22nd at 10:00 pm est time. I can't wait omg yay! Okay I'm really tired so... yeah I'll leave you at this. Bye!!!

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