Zayn Fantasy

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Zayn Malik

Your Outfit: 

Zayn's outfit: 

How you met: This summer you were here in London taking a little vacation with the family. It was a bright and sunny day so you had decided to go to the park and draw in your sketchbook for a little while. 

About an hour later.... "It's done." you whispered in amazement as you gazed at the finished product. It was a detailed portrait of Zayn Malik and you had to admit to yourself that it looked wonderful and lifelike. You sighed contentedly as you gathered your materials and put away your drawing.  You slowly rose from your seat on a bench and began walking while trying to adjust your stuff in your arms. Busy arranging the things in your hands, you failed to notice a guy headed straight at you. You collided with him and your papers scattered everywhere. "Sorry about that love. I'll help you out." apologized the guy. Without looking at each other, the both of you bent down and gathered the papers. You looked up at the guys bent head and noticed he had nice dark hair and a tan complexion. He was now staring at one of your papers intently and you curiously peeked over his shoulder. " Oh I just drew that one today. It looks wonderful. Zayn is my inspiration." you said to his back. Slowly the guy turned to face you and he held up the drawing to his face. "This is me!" he exclaimed grinning happily. You stared at him in shock with your mouth gaped open. "Yo-You're Zayn Malik!" you whispered incredulously. Zayn smiled broadly showing his perfect white teeth. "Yes that's me. I have to say you are quite the drawer love." he complimented. You blushed madly and looked down. "Thank you very much. It means a lot coming from you." you said shyly. He put a finger to your chin and lifted your head to meet his gaze. "Hey no need to be shy love. You're very beautiful so don't be afraid to show it." he whispered kindly. You blushed again lightly and grinned. He stood up and brought you up with him handing you your things. "Now that's better."he said gently a smile tugging at his lips. " I don't think I caught your name love." You reached over and shook his hand firmly. " I'm sorry about that. My name is (Y/N)." he grinned with a playful gleam in his eye. "So, (Y/N) would you like to meet up later?" he asked. You smiled widely and replied, " I would love to." Zayn began backing away as he told you where to meet. Here at the park in a few hours. You waved at him as his figure faded and you walked home to rack your closet for something to wear this evening with a little bounce in your step.

*Few hours later* 

Your outfit:

Zayn's outfit: 

You shakily walked to the park as you soothed out imaginary wrinkles from your dress. You bit your lip and stood outside the gates to the park waiting for Zayn. After a few minutes you sighed heavily and looked down at the floor feeling foolish. Why would a mega famous and gorgeous  boy band member want to hang out with you? You let your hair fall around your face as you felt tears pricking your eyes. Suddenly you heard a honk and your head snapped up. Zayn was riding a Vespa scooter holding out a helmet to you while grinning like an idiot. "Are you coming or what?" he asked with a sweet smile. You slowly walked over and grabbed the helmet from his outstretched hand and smiled weakly. "Climb on." he said as you slid behind him and tentatively put your hands on his back. "Hold on tighter." he commanded as he revved the engine. You grabbed his sides harder and he turned around, a teasing smile on his face. He put his hands over yours and gently guided them around his waist and held them tightly there. "This works for two reasons. One, you won't fly off. And two, I like the feel of your arms around my waist." he blushed lightly before he turned around and started the scooter. "You ready?" You nodded and secured your arms around him as he sped off into the busy streets of London. 


You loved the feel of the wind blowing your hair backwards as you and Zayn flew by the city. You sighed happily and held on tighter to him as you buried your head on his back. He grinned widely at the feel of your arms and pulled to a stop, shutting the engine off. Stuck in your state of bliss, you failed to notice you were no longer moving and Zayn lightly tapped you on the shoulder. "Were here love." You snapped your eyes open and stared at his teasing smile. You blushed madly and hurriedly brought your arms down to your side. "Im so sorry about that." you apologized. He chuckled and jumped off the Vespa then turned around to look at you. He grabbed you by the waist and gently picked you up and set you on the ground firmly. "Th Thank you." you said blushing again. "No problem. Now come on I have something to show you." Zayn grasped your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours as he pulled you along. You gaped in awe at the beautiful view. The many lights of the city glowed brightly and everything was cast in beautiful hues of color.   "it's amazing." you whispered in wonder. Zayn smiled gently and turned to face you. " It is both amazing and beautiful, just like you." You stared at him in shock as he slowly brought you in for a tight hug.  He pulled away slightly and placed his forehead to yours, his gaze boring into your eyes. He bit his lip as his eyes quickly flicked down to your lips and you shivered in anticipation. "May I?" he whispered huskily. You nodded and he grinned before he crashed his lips to yours in a passionate yet sweet kiss. You threw your arms around his neck and brought him even closer. You both pulled away breathlessly and Zayn smiled widely. "That was wonderful." he stated with a twinkle in his eye. You giggled and looked at him straight in the eyes. "It was wonderful, just like you." 

Your outfit:

Zayn's outfit:

The Proposal: You and Zayn have been going out for about a year now and it has been an amazing time. You got to meet the other guys and they were all great and seemed genuinely happy to have you in their 1D family. Tonight is the one year anniversary of the day you two met so Zayn decided to have a little romantic picnic with you. You climbed out of the car and Zayn shut the door softly behind you as he grasped your hand and led the way. The night was peaceful and the moon was bright with many stars shining above. "This is a nice spot." Zayn commented as he stopped on a patch of spongy green grass under a tree. "Ok I'll help." you said as you reached for the picnic basket in Zayn's hands. He quickly pulled it out of your reach and shook his head. "You don't have to do anything tonight." he said as he unfolded a blanket and placed it neatly before he began taking the dinner out. You smiled and sat down next to him as he gave you a plate. "This is great!" you exclaimed as you bit into the food. He grinned and scratched his head as he blushed slightly. "My mum made it." he admitted. You giggled and kissed him on the cheek. "Well tell your mum she did a fantastic job." you said. He smiled and slowly stood up and stretched his hand toward you. "Would you like to dance with me?" he asked sweetly. You shook your head. "I can't dance." you admitted. He smiled gently, "I can't either but I want to try it with you." You caved and took his hand as he lifted you up and pulled you up tight to him. He put his hands around your waist and you tentatively put your arms around his neck. You awkwardly danced out of step, squishing each others feet and you both laughed out loud. "Were both such horrible dancers." you exclaimed between laughter. He smiled and nodded before he brought you to a halt and gently brushed your hair behind your ears. "You're so amazing." he whispered. You shook your head. "No I'm not. I'm not pretty, I'm not amazing, I don't know why you would like or want me. I'm just a plain old girl and you're well you." you argued. He sighed heavily. " I know you're not pretty, amazing, and I don't like you." he said looking away from your eyes. You felt tears spilling from your eyes. "Then why am I here ?!" you exclaimed as you glared at him. He stayed quiet and you felt your heart break into pieces. You swirled around and began running away.     Tears blurred your sight as you stumbled blindly though the park. Suddenly you felt a warm hand on your wrist and you turned around to face Zayn. "Let me go!" you spat. He shook his head. "Wait you didn't let me finish." he said. You stared at him incredulously, " I've heard enough!" Zayn grasped your chin in his strong grip and brought your eyes to his. " I don't think you're pretty. I know you're beautiful. I don't think you're great, I think you're so amazing. I don't want you, I Need you. And I don't like you, I-I love you." he admitted before he looked away embarrassed. You stood there in shock as he slowly bent down on one knee and pulled a little elegant box out of his pocket. "You're not just some plain old girl to me. You're my everything and you always will be, if you let me show you." he said gazing into your eyes. Your face broke into a wide smile and nodded vigorously. He smiled and ran to you grabbing you by the waist and spinning you in the air. You wrapped your legs around his waist and tangled your fingers in his hair. "May I?" you asked teasingly. He grinned and smashed his lips to yours as you kissed under a night full of stars.

Future Life: You and Zayn had a beautiful wedding and a romantic honeymoon. You moved to Bradford, his hometown, and bought an elegant and spacious home where you raised your two boys Zaki and Zayden.

Boys thoughts on you: 

Harry: She's so fit and funny. She's absolutely amazing and we all love her very much. She's a part of the family.

Louis: I don't talk to her much, but when we do we can talk for hours! She's very pretty too.

Liam: (Y/N) is a really lovely girl. We talk all the time and we are very close friends. Plus she's very beautiful. I'm a little jealous of Zayn...

Niall: She is bloody amazing!!! She's beautiful, funny, smart, and has a huge appetite like me! I love taking her to dinner when Zayn isn't able to go with her. If she wasn't with Zayn, I'd definitely go out with her in a heartbeat!

Zayn: Do all of you like her or what?! She's mine and I will never let her go. I love her so much and I couldn't live without her.

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