The Plot Thickens

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"I can't allow your team to Arrest me I have to finish a mission Optimus Prime gave me." Starscream tried to explain to Bumblebee and his team.

"Yeah that's a good one and I'm leader of the Predicons now let's be serious I'm not going to let you threaten Earth or Cybertron." Bumblebee quipped not believing a word of it.

"It's the truth Optimus asked me to find out why some of the Autobots are disappearing.." Starscream said but was cut off by Sideways who suddenly tackled Bumblebee.

"You might as well be talking to a brick wall their not going to listen to us." Sideways told Starscream as he continued to punch Bumblebee.

Then Strongarm started to attack Sideways to get him off Bumblebee only to be decked by Jailbreak and Sideswipe ran to her defense and grabbed Jailbreak by the arm then got a good look at her.

"You know to be working with Cons your kind of cute under this lighting." Sideswipe said to Jailbreak.

"She's way to old for you." Strongarm told Sideswipe.

"Now that's just mean." Jailbreak shot back not liking being called old.

"Punching time!" Grimlock yelled as he charged at Waspinator.

"No Waspinator not want to be punched Waspinator not want to fight!" Screamed Waspinator as he flew in a circle with Grimlock chasing him but not keeping up. While Thundercracker was fighting Drift and his Minicons.

"No this isn't necessary we don't have to fight if you'll just let me explain!" Starscream tried to reason with everyone but none of them were paying him any attention.

"Stop and look!" Starscream yelled firing his missiles to get everyone's attention then displaying the message from Optimus. Bumblebee stop and read it.

"Oh you were telling the truth sorry about all this but Decepticons don't usually do that and you have a track record and well this whole thing is kind of awkward." Bumblebee apologized.

"It's OK I understand how it would be hard to trust me and I'm sorry for everything I did in the past and hope this can at least began to make up for some of it." Starscream told them then explained to them that Unicron was behind the Autobots disappearing and about Thrust and about everything that had happened since he was given the mission.

"This is bad I think Unicron has Optimus." Bumblebee told him.

"What makes you think he has the Prime?" Asked Starscream.

"Because Optimus went missing a few days back and so did Fixit." Bumblebee told the seeker.

"This isn't good we have to find out where Unicron is keeping them and the other Autobots." Said Knock Out who came out of seemingly nowhere.

"Where were you?" Starscream asked the red medic realizing he'd been absent in the fight.

"I was hiding to protect my finish." Knock Out told them then everyone rolled their optics.

"We'll work on finding out where Unicron is keeping the Autobots and helping you stop him." "But we also have a lot of Decepticons to deal with but this is really important so if you need us to help you with anything call us." Said Bumblebee. Then he and his team went back to the scrapyard having now made peace with Starscream's team.

"Sideways why did you attack Bumblebee like that?" Starscream asked or more like scolded him. "You could have made things worse!"

"I'm sorry you see I come from Planet-X my planet was destroyed by Unicron and ever since I've had something of a bloodlust and figure the only way to win a fight for sure is to throw the first punch." "You see my brother Soundwave and me were the only survivors and he became a Decepticon and disappeared after the war and I ended up alone." He explained. "I just never want to feel that loss again."

"Don't worry you won't your part of a team now you have friends and we'll make sure we stop Unicron so he can't do that to anyone else." Knock Out told him and now the whole team felt bad for Sideways.

They all decided to look around where they encountered Thrust to see if they could find any clues to where Unicron was so they could stop him.

After they got there they found a ship Jailbreak and Thundercracker were the first to enter it to explore when the doors closed and locked before the others could get in or they could get out. And the ship took off.

The rest of the team desperately chased after it trying to get Jailbreak and Thundercracker back before the ship got into orbit. They ran after it till it became airborne then Starscream and Waspinator flew after it but it started firing at them.

Knock Out felt helpless he and Sideways couldn't fly so could only watch as Starscream and Waspinator were being shot at and Jailbreak and Thundercracker were being taken away. He was losing his sister a second time.

One of the blasts hit Waspinator and literally blew him to pieces and all his parts fell into the water that was below.

"Noo!" Yelled Starscream unable to process what just happened. And not noticing another blast aimed right at him.

"Starscream!" Yelled Sideways who changed to his motorcycle form and ramped off a cliff then changed back to his bot mode between Starscream and the blast taking the bullet for the seeker.

Starscream flew under where Sideways was falling and let him land on top of his jet mode and quickly got him to safety. But the ship got away with Jailbreak and Thundercracker. And now Sideways was hurt badly but Starscream noticed he was still alive and Knock Out started treating him as soon as they made it back to base.

Luckily Knock Out was able to save Sideways and told him to just take it easy till his wounds healed. Then Starscream noticed coolant tears in Knock Out's optics and knew he was worried about Jailbreak just like he was worried about Thundercracker.

"We'll get them back Knock Out and we'll stop Unicron because I know he and Thrust were behind this I caught a glimpse of Thrust in the cockpit of that ship before it took off. and I won't let Waspinator die in vain." Said Starscream. "We'll stop Unicron and save our friends and avenge Waspinator."

With that Starscream left the base to try to find clues to where the ship had taken Jailbreak and Thundercracker.

Knock Out stayed in the cave with Sideways trying to stay positive that they would find his sister and Thundercracker in one piece and stop Unicron. But he couldn't stop thinking about when the ship disappeared or when poor Waspinator had been blown to bits.

"How many more friends are we going to lose?" Asked Sideways.

"We'll get them back and I'm going to make Thrust pay for what he did to Waspinator." Said Knock Out.

To Be Continued.

I left this chapter in a cliffhanger. But I'll have the next one up in a bit.

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