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He picked up his last bag and set it in the trunk of his car. After I had blacked out and woken up this morning Damien had decided on a spur of the moment to confess his love to me but I was so scared I basically kicked him out. Damien closed the door and turned back to look at me, a sad smile graced his face. I could tell he was worried about me, but he just had to go.

“So I guess this is it.” He said awkwardly.

“Yeah, pretty much.” I forced a smile and a tear rolled gently down my cheek.

Damien noticed this and looked at me sadly. He wiped the tears with his thumb and lifted my chin so I could look into his eyes, such beautiful eyes.

“Kali, don’t be like that. You won’t miss me and we might run into each other, since I’m not coming back.” He murmured gently, looking softly into my eyes.

‘I’m not coming back again.’ The words rung in my ears, making the tears overflow. That’s when I realised this was a mistake, I hadn’t asked him to leave forever. He took my silence as a type of response since he kissed my forehead and whispered “Goodbye” He opened his car door and the ‘click’ sound took me out of my trance. I ran up to him and the words just flew out.

“Kiss me” I said quickly. Damien looked shocked at my sudden change of heart.

“Kali- He began but I tried to push my lips on his. He almost ducked and held me by my shoulders.

He stood, frozen, but after three heartbeats he quickly responded. He pulled me back into the house, his jaw clenched and grip tight. He walked straight past Marshall and straight up the stairs into the bedroom. What was he expecting?

I was pushed onto the bed as Damien stared down at me, I thought I would be blushing but alarm bells were ringing in my head. I pushed him off and scrambled to the other side of the room, hurrying to open the door but freezing when I realised it was locked. Why had he locked the door?  I spun around to see bright fiery eyes staring at me. Was this just another person, it can’t be Damien?

He grabbed my neck and I clawed helplessly at the strong hands wrapped around me, I had no energy and therefore fighting would be useless. I took a deep breath and swung my legs backwards, before swinging forwards and kicking him in the groin. He didn’t even flinch; he threw me across the room and onto the bed, hitting the wall.

“Kali, are you okay?” Marshall was knocking on the door, he must be worried and I could shout to him for help but I couldn’t breathe let alone say anything. I scrambled off the bed, making a loud thud when I hit the floor. Damien glared at me before opening the door a crack, I tried to crawl over.

“Hey Marshall, I was just cleaning up in here.” Damien plastered a fake smile across his face and didn’t notice as I stuck my hand through the gap in the door, trying to control my sobs, both Marshall and Damien looked down at me but just as Marshall shouted and tried to come in Damien shut the door in his face.

“Don’t worry, I’m coming.” He shouted through the door before running off somewhere. My heart sank as I listened to his footsteps becoming quieter and quieter. Damien quickly opened the door again and stepped out for a moment shutting the door behind him.

I got up and pressed myself against the wall, head tilted up, listening and scared.

Movement, he opens the door again and I yelp, startled, not enough time to put my foot out. And suddenly I can’t breathe again and he’s right there in my face, I swing at him and he doesn’t even flinch. Yelling something? Can’t breathe, pass out, and die. He lets up a little and I gulp air, giving me back my head and I can think again, think enough to knee him in the stomach, push him away and get off the wall, about to grab the knife I just spotted in his hand when I’m slammed against the wall again. I hate him so much I can taste it. That gives me enough, just enough to yank his knifed hand, twist it around and impale him with it, using the leverage to shove him off me.

 I breathed, suddenly realising how great it was to breathe, push myself off the wall-it felt like I’d been flattened to it- and roundhouse kicked him in the face. He fell like a bag of sand. The thud and crack was sickening but weirdly satisfying. I made a face, cleared my throat. 

And then he’s up? How? Running at me, and my choices were kill him or die, and just as he ran at me, knife in hand, I pulled the knife out and throw it across the room. My next move could have been to strike him or run but instead I pulled him to me as his body slammed into me. We fell to the ground and I flipped us so I was on top of him, straddling him.

I heard a loud crack as the door was broken in and Marshall stormed into the room, he stared down at us. I was lifted off Damien and pulled into the arms of Marshall, I sobbed into his shoulder and it felt nice to let the waterworks flow freely.This was it, step two.

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