Self👏dep👏re👏ca👏tion👏 (Vent you shouldnt read)

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7th grade is tearing me apart
I have a teacher who's legit satan, one who doesn't give a shit about us, one who's really sweet but is constantly yelling since 80% of my class have no brain cells, one who hates me, and one who wants to teach us but can't do to almost everyone else in that class.
My friends are depressed and I'm having an identity crisis
I'm lazy and stupid and hate getting yelled at so when I don't live up to expectations I stab myself with my pen
I don't fear death and would probably make the world a better place if I threw in the towel. I don't really contribute to anything And am legit just an attention hog
I can't do anything to help my friends who are wonderful people and don't deserve what they're getting. I sold my soul tho the McElroy brothers and am becoming more and more of a recluse who has nothing of worth to do with her life.
Sorry I haven't been super up beat and lively like I used to be. Art is my only escape and the weight of people really just holds me down but I feel like I'm doing that too myself
Don't worry about me
I'll be fine
Carry on

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