Chapter 9

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Mac picked Nico up from school on Monday, and put his hand over Nico's thigh. Nico was actually looking forward to it that more than usual even. He'd had a repressed weekend and the Russian teacher officially had it out for him. She kept trying to catch him on something he didn't know.

"I brought along a little something extra today," Mac said. "But I think we're almost out of lube and condoms. We should stop and get some."

Nico only nodded, wanting nothing more than to get home. He and Mac stopped at a convenience store and Nico went in with him. Nico grabbed himself some snacks while Mac got everything else. Mac caught up with Nico and put an arm around his waist. "You ready?" Mac asked.

Nico let the touch stay. "Yeah, fine. I can pay for the snacks though."

Mac went up first and slid over a box of condoms and lube. Nico waited his turn to pay for his snacks before they went out to the car. Outside, he stalled at an oddly parked car next to them. Were those... police lights on the inside of the windshield?

Nico looked back into the store but they were already coming out, non discreetly. "You're Nicolai Slavin, yes?" the man asked, reaching into his suit and pulling out his badge. "I'm detective Max White."

Nico swore to himself. Mac smiled at them in confusion and spoke up. "Everything okay officer?"

Yakov said they didn't have any reason to follow him. But if they'd followed him into the convenience store with Mac—"Ah shit," Nico huffed under his breath.

"What's your name?" Detective White asked Mac.

"Um... well, Mac." He answered stiffly as maybe he was starting to realize the same thing.

"Uh huh. Do you mind if I see what you bought?" the man asked casually.

Mac clamped up then and glanced towards Nico. "Personal stuff," Mac muttered.

"Like condoms. Yeah, I get it, embarrassing." The man chuckled and smiled. "Not sure why you need to be buying those with a seventeen-year-old boy, though."

"They're for home," Mac said quickly. "Nico just wanted some snacks. I tried to buy mine separately."

"With your arm around him," the man pointed out knowingly. "You're aware the age of consent in New York is seventeen."

"Leave us alone," Nico finally snapped. "You're just harassing me because of my dad. We shouldn't even be talking to you. Come on, Mac."

Mac didn't hesitate to get into the car. "Buzz off," Nico grumbled before getting into the car as well. He pulled put his phone and called Adrik. "Adrik, detectives followed me from school. They were trying to harass Mac and I."

Adrik swore under his breath. "Are they still following?"

Nico twisted around in his seat and looked for the blue car. "I don't think so. But his name was Max White. The partner didn't speak up."

"I'll tell your father. Get home."

Nico ended the call and Mac got them home a few minutes later. "What was that about?" Mac asked on the way in.

"Um. My dad is kind of being... investigated about some things," Nico explained vaguely. "Let's get up and study, okay?" Nico dragged Mac inside and up to their study room.


Nico squirmed in the waiting room of the posh office. "I didn't think it was this... upscale," he complained.

Miroslav checked his watched and glanced around. "Your father wants the best."

Nico rearranged the magazines next to him and then started playing with a plant. They were early and waiting. "You were followed home Monday," Miroslav began. "What did they talk about?"

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