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Darkness was what they could see now. Nothing but total blackness. "Mommy!" yelled a young girl's voice before shrieking in fright. "Sweetie run! Run like you've never ran before! What ever you do don't look back" said the girl's mother. The young girl did what her mother told and quickly ran down the hall away from the people who came in uninvited. Why is she running? How did this happened?

Well to tell you the short version, the girl's father came home one day with something and that one something happens to be one of the top secret plans on the mysterious people who unexpectedly discovered that is was missing. They managed to track down her father and turn of the power by cutting wires from the fuse box. The girl kept running till she found a nearby closet and hid in it. Inside the closet the girl heard the screams and yells of help of her mother getting louder and louder before silence came. The girl became very scared and concerned about her mother before slowly cracking the door open a little only to see three figures. The girl being sweet and innocent when it comes to strangers nicknamed all three of them by giving them silly names.

"Did you find her?" asked Blueberry who seemed to be the leader. "Yes, we found did. It seems that this woman is a wife and a mother" said Raspberry who had a raspy voice. "She apparently made her child run into hiding" said Banana who sounded a bit of a goofball. The girl notices a figure laying on the floor which appeared to be her mother all tied up. "Mommy" whispered the girl however a bit loud for Banana to hear. Banana makes his way to the closest which the girl didn't notice till it was too late.

"Why hello there little girl. Hey guys I found the child" said Banana. Before the girl could scream a hand quickly covered her mouth. "Oh you've found her. Where was she?" asked Blueberry. "She was hiding in that closet over there" said Banana while pointing at the closest. "What are you guys?" asked the girl. "Oh that's what we're thinking too. Do you want us to ask who you are or ask us questions first? It's your choice" said Raspberry.

"Hehehe....I already know who you three are. You're Banana, you're Blueberry, and you're Raspberry" said the girl while giggling. "Okay, who are you?" asked Banana. "I'm Rebecca, but my friends call me Becca" said Rebecca. "Rebecca, what a nice name" said Blueberry. "What are three doing!? We were given direct orders to follow and I found you chitchatting. This ain't kickball on the playground" said a woman who walked into the room. The woman was wearing the same outfit as the three men but hers is decorated with many medals and she looked meaner.

"Ah, Commander Yamiyo first lieutenant and supreme leader of the front gate" said Raspberry while getting into formation along with Banana and Blueberry. "That's supreme leader of the frontier gate and the divisional of war plans that's at a higher rank to you" said Yamiyo with a monotone voice. " found the location of a former solider and infiltrated his home where we found his wife and daughter" said Blueberry. "Ah of course. He was a fine solider and one of if not my only friend. It's unfortunate that he betrayed our great army and put so much disappointment into our brave leader" said Yamiyo "What is our plans now, ma'am?" asked Banana. "Well I was going to put all three of you in the frontline where you can die, but I'm sparring you for now. Our orders are to find the traitor, but we found something greater instead. Come, we've done what we can here. I'm sure our leader won't be mad at us this time" said Yamiyo "Yes, ma'am. Proceed to move on at your order?" asked Blueberry. "Huh? Oh....let's move on. I guess" said Yamiyo. 

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