Phone Thing

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So this was supposed to be a 2 part thing with a phone conversation in which Janis tells Cady that she likes her and in the second part there's fluff and stuff but I never got through Janis having a mini crisis about being gay/her crush on Cady first. Help???

Janis loves rainy days. The way that raindrops tap the big window in her room and form zig-zags as they race downwards, how the sky is just dark enough to be calming and slightly overpowering, and how it makes horror movies seem that much better. But today Janis sits in her huge windowsill with a cushion, a fuzzy blue blanket, and a hot chai latte from Starbucks, something she'll never admit that she likes. She watches the rain roll down her window, joining drops halfway down and bouncing around, and she thinks. Thinks about her changing life, maybe coming out, her anxiety, and her future. For starters, in the past year, she's gained Cady. She's accepted herself as gay, having been hindered by fear that her dad would be disappointed in his only daughter. If she did come out to her dad, what would she even do? Tears gather in Janis's eyes, a combination of confusion and feeling overwhelmed. After years of rough times, mentally and financially, Janis knows that she'll have to rock her dad's world yet again before long.

"Hey dad, I'm... I am a... I'm g- I'm a homo... sexual?" Janis attempts to practice, just the words to herself. Saying it aloud to herself is one barrier, let alone saying it to her dad. "Dad. I'm a lesbian," she says, her brain following with I thought you were American! It's times like these where she regrets her 13 year old self's Vines phase. Thunder takes the sky again followed by the smash of lightning, and she sighs, leaning her cheek against the cool glass. Raindrops race each other down the window, collecting at the bottom until they drop again into the yard. Yeah 

Yeah who knows what happened to this.

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