Of Flying Brooms and Roommates

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Two months later, at the beginning of March, the relationship between the two girls was still a secret, as they weren't ready to be out just yet.
Draco and Harry, though, were beginning to suspect that something was off between them.

They were acting a little too sweet to each other, for them to be friends.

For one, they would always be sitting close, they would hold hands and call each other "love" or "babe".

Also, for Luna's birthday in February, Ginny had kissed her on the cheek and given her flowers. And on Valentine's day they had gone to Madam Puddifoot's, instead of spending the day with their friends at the Three Broomsticks.

However, they didn't want to force them into coming out, so they chose not to say anything.


That Sunday a Quidditch match was in order, Gryffindor vs Slytherin.
The two boyfriends had not played against each other yet, not since their romance had blossomed, so they both took it as a fun challenge.
"I'm so nervous!" Ginny said, that day at breakfast.
"Don't worry, Ginny Poo." Luna said, adoringly. "You're the best chaser in the team!"
Harry and Draco looked at each other. Their suspicion was close to being confirmed.
"She's afraid to play against us." Draco said teasingly.
"Oh, shut up, Malfoy. I think you are." Ginny smirked.
Ever since her Christmas apology, Ginny had formed a bond with the pair.
In the last two months, she and Draco had developed a friendship filled with funny bickerings and teasing.

"Don't talk like this to my boyfriend, Ginny." Harry warned jokingly.
"Be careful, Weasley girl," Draco said. "If You don't want a bludger to hit you in the face."
"Tone down the threatening, babe." Said Harry. "Remember that I'm your most dreadful foe today."
"Yeah, sure. I'll try not to win too much." Draco teased. "Either way, you will end up with a sore ass, as I'll throw you off your broom."

"May the best team win!" Said Ron, although he felt even more nervous than his sister.


"Go Ginny! Go Gryffindor!" Luna cheered, she was in the Gryffindor bleachers, wearing her famous Lion Hat.

She was sitting next to Hermione, who had brought two pairs of binoculars.

The commentator for that day was Miss Sivan, who, to everyone's surprise, was a big fan of Quidditch. She was perfect for the job, since she had been a Hufflepuff in her Hogwarts years, so she wouldn't have taken sides.

"May the Captains shake hands." Madam Hooch instructed.

Draco had become the new Team Captain, so he had to shake hands with Harry.

"May Slytherin win." Draco said to his boyfriend, while he shook his hand.

"The saying is 'may the best team win' not 'may the worst team win'." Harry said with a wink, earning a death stare.

Not long after the match had started, Ginny was taking a hold of the quaffle.

"Quaffle in the hands of Miss Weasley-- Seeker Potter of Gryffindor has seen the Snitch, he's flying his way to it - Slytherin has now gained the quaffle... Slytherin about to score... Keeper Ronald Weasley stops it!" Miss Sivan was saying, while watching the game in awe. Her hair was tied in two very fairy-like buns, but it still spilled glitter.

Harry sped up to the Snitch, his boyfriend doing the same.
"Out of the way, Potter!" Draco spat jokingly, placing himself in front of him, thus cutting him off.

"You wish, baby." Harry said with a wink, then he flew around him and continued going his way. "I'll get it."

"Seeker Potter and Seeker Malfoy are both close to the Snitch..." Miss Sivan continued.

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