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Name: [Name] Kanroji
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 1st

[Name] is a curvaceous young woman of deceptively muscular build and a pale skin complexion. She stands slightly taller than average. She has large round, pale green eyes with long eyelashes and a small beauty mark beneath each of them. She has long, light pink hair that fades into a lime green color at the halfway point, which she wears in three thick braids. She has five shorter, choppy clumps hanging over her face as voluminous bangs, the tips lime green as well. When she was trying to get a partner, her hair was dyed black in an attempt to make herself look more "normal."

[Name] is a very emotional, passionate, and jovial individual who constantly compliments and swoons over her comrades in her head, likely a contributing factor towards her nickname as "the Cupid of Love." Although she can be shy and is easily flustered, [Name] is always kind to others.

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