chapter one

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"Justin, stop!" She laughed and covered her face as I pointed my camera lens at her.

She was gorgeous. Her new short dark brown hair cascading down to her shoulder. She had the impulsive feeling of wanting to cut it a week ago and had gone through with it. One of the things I loved about this girl, she never held back from adventure and was a free spirit willing to try new things. She was hedonistic, I also loved that about her.

When I had seen her that week that she had cut it, my breath had been sucked right out of my lungs. Something that always happened when I saw her. She was beautiful and I was so lucky to call her my best friend. Guys would always ask me to slip their name and number to her, but I would never. She was too good for any of them.

I smiled and kept my camera pointed in her direction knowing well that at times she secretly loved when I shot pictures of her.

She peeked at me through her fingers and was smiling, "Are you done yet?" She asked, her brown eyes gazing right at me.

"Nope, I think I need a little bit more angel face in the picture and a little less hiding." I snapped a picture.

She grinned and pulled her hands away from her face, "You always know what to say, don't you?"

"I can be a very persuasive person, but with you? You give in as soon as I call you some form of cute," I smiled knowingly, "Now come on, give me a pose." I zoomed the lens out to capture more of her face and body.

Smiling, she fixed her posture a little to a casual pose. Tilting her head to the side a little, giving me her beautiful, natural, neutral face expression.


"Do I look okay?" She fixed her hair and crawled beside me, leaning forward towards me to take a look at the picture

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"Do I look okay?" She fixed her hair and crawled beside me, leaning forward towards me to take a look at the picture.

I tilted the camera screen towards her, so she could get a clear view of the picture, "you look more than okay, you look perfect."

She smiled widely, showing off those pearly white teeth from her soft, pure-peach colored, plump lips. "You're so cute, Justin. You know," she paused for a few seconds to gather her thoughts, "just because I'm your best friend doesn't mean you have to lie." She joked, shoulder bumping me softly.

I chuckled, "You're right, you're right. I'm sorry. You look horrible, look at those poop colored eyes."

She gasped and flared playfully, "You're so going to pay for that. My eyes are not poop colored!" She stood up and ran after me as I dashed out the door to the stairs and out the backyard.

Chasing me and catching up, she launched herself at me and knocked me down. Laughing, I turned and looked at her on top of me.

Her angelic laugh rung to my ears. She was so beautiful. Sadly, she was my best friend. I wouldn't do anything to possibly sabotage our friendship. Losing her would be the worst because she was the best out there.

She looked down at me and smiled, "That's what you get for calling my eyes poop."

"Oh, even if a million years passed I would do it again." I laughed loudly.

She playfully smacked my arm softly and rolled off of me to the side of me.

Every moment was a memorable moment with this girl. Never would I want anything bad to happen to her, I was always protecting her. She was a diamond and she didn't need to be lost. All she needed was to shine.

Was I in love with her?

Was I in love with her?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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