Chapter 5

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"What did you see?" Agent Hannah asked.
"Yeah what'd you see?" Aria asked.
"Well..." Then he started to talk from when they came out the van.

Couple minutes ago....

Jessi:"Wow this place is frickin incredible!"
Hope:"Hannah! Oh my God!".......

While Hope met Hannah Agent Dalton was looking around. He looked straight inside and saw that a boy figure shadow wearing a hoodie on, was only looking this way towards them.
When they walked inside the house, he again saw someone with an hoodie on whom turned there direction but before he could see his or her face someone walked right in front of them. When the person past the hoodie person was gone.
Hope: "Okay this is yours and your husband's room......"

While this piece of conversation was going on he again saw the hoodie person walking down the staircase.

Present time.....

"It was as if he or she was following is like stalking us." Agent Dalton said.
"Wow and you know I haven't even recognize that." Aria said.
"Me either, I was too busy trying to focus both on Hope and what she's saying and also on this crazy beautiful paradise mansion!" Jessi said.
"Sounds fun! Men I really wish I was there with you all very instead if being stock with mission incredible here." Brad said pointing his thumb finger to Taylor.
"Hey!" Taylor said.
"You mean mission impossible?" Aria asked.
"Ugh...yeah. That's the one. Thanks Mrs Angelina Rodriguez." Brad said winking.
"Shut up Brad!" Aria said as they all laughed including Brad himself.
"Anyways, what's our next move?" Leopold asked.
"Keep an eyes on Hope. Try to never let her out of your sight. And remember Jessi try to act like me." Agent Hannah said.
"Yes ma'am." Jessi said saluting.
"Okay all Agents." Agent Hannah said.
"Go SAPS!" They said together.

Hours later.....

It was now 9:30 p.m. All afternoon they just chat with Hope and met her friends and fiancée. Nothing much. The hoodie person still was not to be found. Right now they are all in their rooms.
" can have the bed I'll sleep on the sofa." Jessi said to Aria. Since everyone is asleep Jessi and aria was told to share a room so that Leopold can stay in the other since he and Jessi isn't actually married.
"Or we can share a bed you know. It's not like we're both oversized or we're in a relationship or anything." Aria said.
"Sure." Jessi said as she took the end right and Aria took the end left.

The plane jet....

"Coffee?" Taylor asked Brad as she hands him a cup of black coffee. She had also made one for herself.
"Thanks I can really use it." Brad said.
"No problem. So you wanna go changed, shower, take a sleep first?" Taylor asked him as they both sat on the swivel chairs in front of the computers.
"You can go first." He said smiling. Then Taylor placed a hand over his.
"Uhm...I'm gonna get something to munch on. Be right back." Brad said quickly moving away his hand. Then Jessi came on the comms.
"Hello? Agent Taylor come in." Jessi said.
"Agent Taylor here! What's wrong?" Taylor asked.
"I wanted to remind you to get into the cameras and computer systems." Jessi said.
"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me." Taylor said then her phone rang.

Unknown:"Is there any news?"

"Taylor! Who are you talking to?" Jessi asked through her comms.
"It's a friend of mines. I'll call you later Jess." She told Jessi and cut off the phone.
"No wait! Tay!! Hello?! Damn it!!" Jessi said a bit loud waking Aria up.
"Everything okay?" She asked as she switched on the lampshade.
"Uh yeah. I was just reminding Taylor about the cameras and computer systems. Sorry for waking you." Jessi said.
"No prob. Let's go back to sleep tomorrow is a big day for us." Aria switching off to lampshade.
"Yeah. Goodnight." Jessi said and went back to sleep.

The next day.....

After Jessi, Leopold and Aria woke up they all met in the porch outside where they met Hope and her fiancée Rez was waiting on them.
"Hey guys the comms?" Aria whispered.
"Oh yeah!" Jessi whispered.
"Good morning Agent Hannah." Jessi said.
"Good morning to you too!" Brad said.
"Morning!" Taylor said.
"Morning morning!" Agent Dalton said.
"Good morning everyone!" Aria said.
"Good morning. Now let's get to work." Agent Hannah said. Then they all walked outside the door.
"Good morning sis!" Hope said hugging Jessi.
"Good morning Hopeful!" Jessi said laughing.
"Oh Han!" Jessi said as they broke away.
"So whats the exact date of the wedding?" Agent Hannah said to ask through the comms.
"When's the exact date of the wedding?" Jessi asked.
"3 days away, Saturday. How could you have forgotten?!" Hope asked.
"I.." Jessi started.
"Help!" Jessi whispered through her teeth so that Agent Hannah can hear.
"Tell her that you remembered but got mixed up because you have an friends marriage nearly the same time as you." Agent Hannah said.
"I have a marriage whose friends.." Jessi mixed up herself.
"What?" Hope asked.
"No your friends marriage is nearly the same time as yours." Agent Hannah said.
"No your friends marriage is nearly the same time as yours." Jessi said and Taylor, Brad and Aria hit their heads.
"My friends?" Hope asked.
"What? No no my...friend Daisy is getting married as well sometime this next week so I was wondering." Jessi said laughing nervously.
"Okay then. Anyways today is cake choosing day! So come on!" Hope said grabbing Rez hand and pulling him.
"Come on!!" Hope said excitedly as she and Rez ran towards the table across the green lawn.
"In think that was a close one!" Jessi said exhaling.
"Ya think?!" Everyone said in unison.
"Geez well sorry for the mistake that I didn't have an sibling." Jessi said as she walked to meet her sister. Aria and Leopold just looked at each other and smiled then followed Jessi.


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Xx_Princess Royalty _xX💖

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