chapter 9

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"so do you want to tell me who the person is? because i have figured it out that it isnt your family, because if it was then you wouldnt have lost control of you powers. so tell me, tell me please?"

"no.." i replied

"okay, i wont force you." he said sitting on the couch "why are you so boring."

"excuse me?"

"yeah, i mean all we ever do is sit around, eat and sleep. we never go out."

"yeah because i like quiet. where i can think calmly. and what would we do outside? there is nothing for us outside." i debated

"not true." he replied

"oh yeah, what?"

"we could go to the library, or we could study in the park, i mean i know school is ending, but learning new things, thats a never ending process."

"are you kidding me, did you just give me a lecture about studying. oh my god we will go any where you want just dont ever talk to me about school, thats 1 in the many things i hate."

"yes, so where are we going." i shot him a glare, is he really this serious right now.

"are you okay..." i asked

"yeah. why?" he replied

"no no, know what, i know exactly where to take you."

"whe..." before who could say anythig i grabbed his hand and we flew out of the apartment, we were flying in the air until i reached the abandoned park. i landed inside making sure no one saw.

"what is this place?" scott said looking around.

"its a park" i replied

"and why are we here..." he asked

"you know what happened here a couple months back."

"unfortunately yes, the fire, that burnt this whole park. and a couple of people who were here at that unfortunate time, that was such a mysterious case, because no one knew what started the fire....wait....noo...dont tell!" he clapsed his hand over his mouth, tears falling down his cheeks, wait why is he crying.

"i caused the fire....but...why are you crying?" i asked confused

"becuase you are the reason why my parents died!" he said falling to the ground.

"wait what!, how, you said the died in a car accident, what are you talking about!" i shouted,

"i told you it was a car accident but i didnt tell you how the car accident happened."

"no, no you didnt, tell me." i demanded, he got up and came close to me, to be honest that was the first time i actually felt he was going to harm me, he grabbed onto my arm and turn me so i was facing a broken down fence with police signs to not enter.

"you see that fence " i nodded frantically "do you know why that fence is broken, because a tree fell on it, a tree that was set on fire, my father and my mother were in the car and that tree fell on top the car. and now they are dead. but i never wouldve thought it was because of you. i shouldve known, i shouldve known that ever since you told me about your powers! how can i be so stupid to even let you have special place in...."

"special place in what scott?" i asked

"take me home." he asked

"special place in what scott!" i demanded

"just take me home now, i cant stand to be in this place right now, a-and i cant look at  y-you..." he replied, completely ignoring my question again. mitchie i think it is better if you just listen to the guy, he is heart broken for god sake. i accepted defeat and gave in to his demand.

i grabbed onto his hand and we flew back to the apartment, as soon as we landed he ripped his hand away from mine and jumped inside. i wanted to go inside but then i thougt it would be a bad idea so i decided to let him be on is own. i think what he needs right now is some time alone and i can totally understand that.

he probably hates me right now, and it funny cause it used to be the opposite way round, but the tiny difference is that he doesnt love me. i sat on the roof edge looking out to the sunset. i felt a tingle on my cheek... i put my hand on it... im crying....what the fuck? am i crying!

i dont cry, i dont cry for anyone! why am i crying.

"your crying because of scott." i heard a familiar voice say behind me.

"what do you want now. its not like you have ruined my life already, what else do you want to ruin huh?" i spat. not facing towards her.

"im not here to ruin anything but to warn you of something." i got up when she said that.

"what could you possibly warn me off, because if its my death then please tell me, i wont stop it from happening. i'd gladly accept it with open arms."

"it is not your death that i am here to talk about." she said.

"then go away, because i dont want to see your face until that day comes, so if you dont mind" i whistled at her to leave.

"come with me, we cannot talk here it is too risky."

"and why is it risky, i dont even want to talk to you! you are the cause to why me and scott and not even talking....forget about my parent... I KILLED HIS! what else could you possibly want to talk about now, WHAT COULD YOU FUCKING WANT NOW!" anger was boiling in my blood right now and anyone that was in my view, was about to be murdered right now. and i was looking at my target.

before i could even stop myself i shot a huge fire ball at her, but of course she was supreme and couldnt be destroyed by someone like me, she rules over me. she simply just attacked me back with water.

"keep yourself cool and calm, we need to go now." she said after drenching me.

"i dont want to go anywhere with you,"

"too bad," and she dragged me and next thing we are flying at super speed.




the excitement starts now.

well in the next chapter, stay tuned!!!



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