Lanky Box

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Stray Kids: 19

Lanky Box (Justin and Adam)
(Mature sexual content)

    It was that time of a day of again, time to film another video for the growing channel. Adam was doing all the preparations for the video, setting up the camera, adjusting the lights, fixing the microphone and even adjusting the chairs. When all was fixed to his liking, when he was all done he went to find his best friend.
    Justin was sitting on their shared couch, scrolling through twitter on his phone, effortlessly looking beautiful in the process. Adam always got nervous around his handsome friend, twiddling with his thumbs and hanging his head. "Are you just going to stand there like a lost puppy?" Justin spoke, not looking up from his phone. "I-I just want to tell you that we can start recording." Justin stood up and stretched his body before walking close to Adam. "Stop being so nervous around me." Justin reached out and grabbed Adam's face, resting his hand on his squishy cheek. "With an innocent face like this, your actions make you look even more adorable. I might not be able to hold myself back." Adam didn't hear the last part as Justin was already half-way to the recording room.
    About half-way through the recording, Adam went to show Justin how to use the product right when their hands touched. "Adam! Are you trying to  hold my hand!?" Adam was stuttering trying to get his words out, but Justin just kept going on and on about it. Adam knew it was a playful joke, but when you liked your best friend the way Adam did, the joke hurt more than it should have.
    When the recording was over, Adam's mood has changed significantly. He became less talkative through the last half of the recording and had a fake smile and laugh. Justin noticed his best friends mood change but didn't think much about it. The two boys cleaned up the studio in silence, the silence was thick.
    It wasn't until dinner time when Justin really noticed how upset his best friend was. "Hey, are you okay? You haven't said a full sentence to me since the recording. Was it something I said?" Adam finally looked at his best friend with his big doe eyes. Adam just shook his head and hung his head again. "Come on Adam! I'm your best friend! I can tell when you are lying to me. Why can't you just tell me what is happening?" The change in tone scared Adam, but he kept silent. "Dammit, Adam!" Justin got up from the table and grabbed his friend by the arm dragging him to his room.
    Justin tossed his friend onto the bed. Adam bounced slightly a little afraid of what is to come. Justin took off his shirt and threw it on the ground in frustration. Adam only watched with wide eyes, he never seen this side of his friend, and to be quite honest it was turning him on. Adam scanned his friend's body, not finding a single imperfection. "You like what you see?" A dominance seductive tone was laced in his voice, and Adam could only quiver with anticipation.
    With endless teasing and edging by the Asian twink, Adam was about to explode in seconds if Justin didn't hurry up his pace. "J-Justin please h-hurry." The pale boy looked at his best friend with pleading eyes. Justin couldn't take his eyes off of the boy, his innocent look, doe eyes, and smooth pale body, Justin had everything he wanted right in front of him.
    Justin flipped the twink over, propping him up on his knees, exposing his pink hole to him. Adam has never been this exposed before, before anyone. Justin took the lead and gently started massaging the plump globes, making Adam shake with anticipation. The feeling of a hot breath over his quivering hole was enough to get Adam to let out a low moan. Justin kitten licked over the hole, short laps with his tongue. Hot breathy moans left Adam's mouth as Justin worked his magic on him.
    "Uhh-Uggh-Mhmm." Adam's breath left his mouth faster than he can stop them. The sounds coming from the boy was more than enough to turn the Asian boy on. His hard-on was becoming painful and quick. 
    Flipping the boy onto his back once again, Justin walked over to his dresser and pulled out two bottles of lube. "Strawberry or cherry?" The question caught Adam off guard that he didn't even understand it. "What?" Justin chuckled at the boy and choose one. "Don't worry about it. Just get comfy for me." Justin climbed in between Adam's legs, Adam tried his best to relax his body ready for what's to come, but he couldn't. Adam was a virgin, never having sex with a girl or a guy he was beyond nervous. He didn't want his first time to be ruined from his inexperience. Justin could sense his nervousness and bent down in between his legs and locked lips with him. The kiss was enough to distract Adam from Justin lubing himself up and his finger and slightly sliding his finger in. Adam groaned in slight pain into Justin's mouth. "Hush sweet baby. The pain will subside and you will be moaning my name in no time." Adam could only moan from the words being spoken.
    Justin picked up his pace, swirling and curling his finger in all directions to get the boy to moan, and boy did it work. Adam was f*cking himself onto his finger wanting more than what was given. Justin complied with the boy, shoving another finger in. Adam could only let out another deep moan from within, turning Justin on even more.
    When Adam was all prepared and ready, Justin aligned himself up and slowly slid into the warm cavern that he would soon come to love. "Ahhh. J-Justin." The pale boy's moans rang out throughout the house, causing Justin to slam all the way in. "F-F*ck." "You're so tight-" The Asian groaned out into Adam's ear."- I just want to f*ck you all night long." He then proceeded to bite his ear and start to slowly f*ck the boy.
    Moan after moan after moan was let out of the once innocent boy. He was starting to sound like a pornstar, with the way his body was reacting he could become one. Justin was having no mercy on the poor boy, slamming into him, long hard drawn out thrusts was the key to getting Adam to lose his mind. Thrust after thrust had the boy leaking pre-cum onto his belly. "J-Justin f-faster." With the simple words, Justin adrenaline kicked into over-drive and he was pounding the boy underneath him. With every thrust, Adam's dick slapped against his stomach leaking more and more pre-cum. Justin knew the boy was close to spilling over and quite frankly so was he. Adam's canal was squeezing him so hard that it felt almost impossible for him to leave it. It was a drug and he was getting addicted fast.
    "F*ck baby, I'm going to cum soon." The Asian moaned out, pounding the boy. Adam was so lost in pleasure to reply. "Want me to fill you up?" The pounding never stopped. "Want me to cum inside you?" The assault on his prostate was a brutal pleasure. "Come on, tell me how much you want it." The pleasure was too much for the boy to handle. "Come on Adam, telling me how much you want it." Thrust after thrust was coming to an end. "F*cking tell me, Adam!" The words were too much to keep up with. Time seemed to stop in these mere moments when the boy finally let it out. Cum splattered his chest, chin, and neck, while Justin filled him with his seeds. The rush of the sex sent Adam into a haze.

    After cleaning up and laying down, the boys snuggled together, holding hands.

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