Raoul never did escape the tunnels. After a week of crawling on his hands and knees because he had no strength he fell to the floor dead. Little did he know, the passage he was in was the passage that led to Christine's dressing room. Erik collected his body and made sure it was properly buried. Although he hated Raoul with a passion he believed in a proper burial, besides he didn't want Christine to stumble upon his corpse. Christine and Erik lived long happy lives, having a few children and living to old ages. Nobody ever questioned where the Vicomte had disappeared to, being he was an alcoholic they figured he had spent the days in bars. As for Christine, the assumed she had grown tired of his antics and moved on...
The Phantom's Revenge
FanfictionCAUTION NOT FOT THE FEINT HEARTED Raoul has been the perfect husband right? So what he yells a bit? Sometimes he gets violent. He drinks a bit much. What's wrong with that? Christine has had enough, and so has Erik, her Angel of Music. What will ha...