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Ever since I got up today ,I had a strange feeling about something.Maybe it was because I had to be alone for the rest of the day since my parents were going out.It was a gloomy day because it had been raining from yesterday night.

I made my coffee and sat near the window sill to watch the rain.The sky was black and it was pouring outside.Though the weather was an enjoyable one,the fear in me grew stronger and stronger and I had a strong feeling that something bad was going to happen today.I haven't had such an uncomfortable feeling from my childhood till now.It was a disturbing feeling.

I was looking out,lost in thoughts.I suddenly became conscious that I was looking at the opposite apartment.Ten years ago when I was a small girl ,the lady who lived there was hanged to death.Some people said that it was suicide and some people said that she was killed by her husband.After that incident, my mother forbid me from playing near that house and that house was always locked.

As I was looking out ,I saw a tall figure dressed in black move towards that house.He had something in his hand. The lady's husband did not return after that bad incident and there were no visitors to that house from then onwards.

That man suddenly disappeared into the house.I could not believe my eyes because he had the key to that house and went inside the house.My heart took a leap when I realised that the husband who killed his wife had returned to his house.

I opened the window and waited for him to come out so that I can have a better look at him.

He came out after 10 minutes but as it was raining he was fully wrapped in his rain coat and I could not see his face.I peeped once again. My heart started beating fast because the man caught a glimpse of me from his balcony.I swiftly closed the window and moved back.My heart was still beating heavily because the look on his face was so terrific that I could figure out that he had come to avenge someone for what had happened few years ago.

I tried to calm myself but I could not.I was alone and the way he saw me made me sweat even more.It was a killer's look.After all this is the first time I am seeing a real killer in my life.To come out of this fear,I decided to listen to good music.I went near my cupboard to select a music CD which will comfort me for sometime.I took the audio CD of my favourite music band and was about to play it.

I almost dropped it when my doorbell rang.

The sound had threatened me so badly that I stood there still.I was wondering who it was at this time because I know that my parents will be back only by night.I slowly went near the door.I looked out through the peep-hole.My mouth dropped in shock.For a while, I became numb.I could not do anything .My mind was blank.The man outside was the same man I saw in the opposite apartment.My heart was pounding.Now the sound came even louder because he was banging at my door.I did not know what to do.I reached my dining table.I took the knife that was kept there.With staggering legs ,I moved very carefully to the door.I was literally crying and praying.What if he jumps in and strangles me.I do not have the strength to escape from him.With shivering hands I opened the door and waved the knife before me but there was no one there.Suddenly there was a loud scream.I locked the door in fear.I could sense movement behind me.I turned at once.A shadow moved into my bedroom from the hall.Now I had two choices.I should either run out of the house or I should stay inside and handle the situation.I could not decide.My face was white with fear.I moved inch by inch making sure that I am safe at every step.I madly waved the knife in air every time I moved forward.Somehow I reached my bedroom.I looked around.It was still and silent.No sign of any new arrival.With a great relief,I closed the door.I turned around and stumbled into something.It was the man.That killer.He was standing just behind me,watching my every move.He had something in his hand and leaped at me.

I got up in shock .I was wet with sweat.I blinked twice and looked at the clock.The clock showed 7pm.I looked around confused.Tears were dripping down my cheeks.I then realised that it was a bad dream.


A very good day to my readers.Please post your valuable comments on this short story.Your comments will help me to write many good novels in future.I am working on my next novel and will post it here soon.Thank you.

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