Chapter 5

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oof, i love this story


The doors creaked, shaking as they rebounded off the wall and scattered dust everywhere. Niall let out a cough and crinkled his nose. 

"Holy shit, someone needs to fire the janitor." He mumbled to himself. 

As he walked further into the mysterious room, blinking bulbs of red and yellow lit up. He could finally see what was in the room, 100 versions of himself but all faintly there. The mirrors were speckled with  scratches, dried mud smears and chipped paint. Some were even broken through.

"Dont worry, the mirrors are too dirty to reflect anything. In that case, i'd say it's a benefit." The voice playfully mocked over the speakers. 

"Dont worry, the mirrors are too dirty because im too lazy to pick up after this place." Niall spat, mocking the voice's tone. 

It was fairly easy for Niall to navigate through the room, it was just like any other maze at this point. 

There were occasional dead ends he ran into, but he tried to avoid them the best he could. The last time walked into a dead end, he spotted a bear trap with the jaws wide open. 

Niall squinted his eyes, looking around him quickly before pulling out his recorder and snapping a picture of the trap.

"There are a couple traps scattered around the hall of mirrors." Niall spoke into his recorder, pondering out loud. 

"It's almost like we were expecting vermin to come and bother us." The  voice slyly spoke. 

Niall rolled his eyes, letting out an annoyed huff. 

He kept walking through the maze, eventually stumbling across another doll. It was dressed in the theme park attire, slumped against a wall. 

Niall eyed it for a second before walking through a door frame with the sign "Finish" at the top. 

He was now in a small hallway and looking to his left, he saw a man in a floral tux with a top hat resting on his curly brown hair. 

He'd recognized this man from somewhere, and he stood in the shadows, pondering for a second. Then, it dawned on him. 

It was Harry the Haphazard, the man on the promotional poster. 

Niall took a couple steps closer, not knowing if what he was seeing was alive or not. Maybe it was some giant, creepy doll. 

Harry was up in a press box, with a giant glass window protecting him. 

"Hello?" Niall called out, waving a little. 

"It seems my traps don't work, bummer." Harry spoke, faking sadness in his tone. 

Niall was at a loss for words; Not only was the figure alive, but he had finally met the guy behind the snarky voice.

For the first time since entering this place, Niall broke into a cold sweat. He wasn't alone in a park full of dolls anymore. Harry could come down and harm him at any second, or even kill him. 

But, he had to swallow his fear. Investigative journalism is no place for a scaredy-cat. 

"No, they didn't," Niall agreed, trying to find his words again, "They didn't even touch me." 

Harry let out a mocking laugh, "Now, don't get too confident, sweets. There are still a variety of traps that i have set up just for you, and for the entertainment of the audience of course." 

Niall squinted his eyes. He didn't know what Harry was having, but he was definitely going to stray far away from it. 

Harry was the only living person in the park besides himself. But, he decided not to question it, since the last time he did, Harry became upset. 

"Come on, now ," Harry beckoned, smiling down at Niall, "Are you feeling a little scared? A bit regretful?"

"No." Niall countered, taking a couple steps down the hallway. 

Harry watched as Niall began to make his way cautiously down the hallway.

 "Not so fast." He lowly chuckled, grabbing a lever with a bright red sphere at the top and yanking down. 

The floor beneath Niall feet began moving backwards, causing him to lose his balance. He grabbed onto the side of the wall and walked against the flow of the floor. 

Looking up, he realized he'd been distracted, and Harry was gone. 

He let out a huff and jogged until the floor was still again. 

Turning the corner, he found another door blocking his path. He filled his lungs with a air, held it, then release as he opened the door. 

The next room is what appeared to be an 'upside down' room, where a 1 bedroom apartment was turned 180 degrees. 

At first, he thought it was cool; It was a new perspective. But soon he realized that the door was at the tip top of the ceiling, or floor for this matter. 

He was unable to climb on the furniture either, everything was plastered to the 'ceiling' and out of his reach. 

The only things that he could touch, if he jumped, were the windows. 

He began walking around on the 'floor', inspecting the scene. This was meant for children at one point, so he could surely get out if they could. 

But then again, there were bear traps in the hall of mirrors. 

There were stairs on the wall, but they were upside down and useless to Niall. 

He was stumped, but not ready to give up. Focused on his thoughts, he began pacing around the room, looking for a ladder or any other item that could help him. 

All of the sudden, he felt a rope tighten around his ankle and jerk his leg from under him. He flew up to the 'ceiling' and began swaying back and forth. 

"Oh joy! I caught the vermin," Harry smirked through the mic, "You should have watched your step." 

"What the fuck! Get me out of here!" Niall yelled, flailing around like a fish out of water. Blood and thoughts of death began rushing through his head.

Harry didn't respond, only sat back and watched as the trespasser got what he deserved. 


its been ages ;-; i hope you all enjoyed! I have a study hall in school now to write updates :) 

what do you think is going to happen?

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