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I was running so fast my lungs couldn’t cope. Everything was becoming a blur. They were right behind. I pushed through the pain and rounded a corner in the dim light.  I wove past the palettes and containers looking for any possible exit. Skidding to a halt and ducking behind a rusty old shipping container I scanned my surroundings.  

From the looks of it I was in an abandoned warehouse but the windows were all blacked out so I didn’t know exactly where I was. There. My eyes spotted two bay doors about 20 metres ahead. The shimmering moonlight peeked out from underneath. I was afraid of what lied out there but it couldn’t be worse from the people chasing me. 

I toyed with the options of staying and getting caught or making a break for it and getting caught. I reassured myself trying to reduce my heart rate that was increasing with every shallow breath. Hearing angry shouts in the distance I knew it was now or never. I bolted.  

The doors were so close I could feel the coldness seeping through. I barged through the doors with my shoulder. I shield my eyes from a piercing white light and realized it was a spotlight. I blinked rapidly to try and clear the colourful dots dancing in my eyes. The bay doors behind me flew open with a bang. The five furious men were coming right at me. I stumbled backwards and hit a low wall. 

The wind whipped my hair across my face and I realized we were on a second story. I froze being afraid of heights. “Just give us what we want and we won’t hurt you” the tallest man sneered while fingering a long thin metal stick. A crowbar. I knew he was lying. 

Death by angry men or death by jumping of a building. Gosh I was making some very hard decisions tonight. “Look I don’t know what you’re talking about” I said sounding more confident than I felt. “Hmm,” the man said while stroking his non-existent beard “I guess you just chose the hard way.” 

I took another step backwards and regretted it as I teetered on the edge of the building my arms flailing around uselessly. Vertigo hit me as I fell backwards. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out the only thing I heard was the whooshing of the wind in my ears as I fell down. I was sure my death would come any second now when a pair of incredibly strong arms caught me. 

The wind was knocked out of me and I gasped the air like a fish out of water when a pair of soft and tender lips crushed against mine. My eyes shot open and I drifted away into a golden sea.

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