Chapter Two

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I was in an eerily long corridor with many century old wooden doors that looked like they weighed about a tonne were neatly tucked in the cut outs of the wall. Turning the slightly tarnished lion headed handle and it opened with a low and unnatural creak. Curiosity overflowed in me and I continued through the doorway.

A small floating light hung mid air in the corner of the room. Cautiously moving towards the suspended object I saw it was a lantern. One people used before electricity was invented. Six frosted glass windows set in a golden bronze metal. The light flickered inside making the light dance around the shadows teasing them by travelling up and up the ivy covered walls. My gaze followed the dancing lights up amazed by they way they licked at the shadows. 

That's odd. I thought to myself. They seemed to stop a few feet before the wall joined the ceiling. The lantern I was standing beside fell from the air and smashed on the uneven ground allowing the Kerosene liquid to pool around the remains. The flammable liquid caught alight on the dying candlewick that lay in the puddle of oil.

A sinister growl echoed on the walls of the small room. It was coming from up in the corner of the room. My head snapped up and saw a dark scaled winged creature slinking along the ceiling. I was terrified and urged my body to move but my body was frozen. The creature above shrieked and sprung from the ceiling at me.

A pair of piercing red eyes lunged at me with ten razor sharp claws, the colour of polished obsidian.

I found myself sitting upright screaming covered in sweat. My alarm sounded on my nightstand and I flung my arm out hitting it off with back of my hand. I really had to stop doing that. My heart was still racing a million miles a minute when I gathered myself and swung my legs over the side of the bed. My doona and blankets were in a jumbled at the foot of my bed. I stumbled my way over to the bathroom turning the shower taps on full and waited for the room to get all hot and steamy before getting in.

The scalding hot water pounded on the muscles in my back, which were tight from the nightmare I had just experienced. I shivered as the thought of those claws tearing into me. It all felt so strangely vivid. Quickly washing my entire body with a pink loofa and conditioning my hair knowing for sure I was going to be late for the first day back at school. Great.

Wrapping a towel around me and dashing back into my room shovelling through the mounds of clothes. I found a clean-ish pear of skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt. I rapidly towel dried my hair and grabbed my side bag and keys and slid backwards down the stair railing. For some reason i felt like a Fireman.

"Good morning pumpkin," Dad said cheerfully as he poured a freshly brewed pot of coffee into his favourite mug I bought him for his birthday. "Running late are we?" I bit my lower lip and shrugged and he chortled. Filling up my silver flask with the delicious black liquid and snatching a piece of toast off dad's plate "See you later" I managed with a mouth full of bread. Dad looked angry o toast his toast but waved me off without a word.

I was the intersection just around the corner from school. Drumming my fingers on the steering wheel blaring We Are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift when the light turned green. I looked in my rear vision window at the jackass who was tailgating me. My mouth dropped when i saw Jesse's black Hummer. 

I just about missed the entrance of the senior car park having to go up and over the curb a little bit. Thank God I have my high clearance truck. I slowly scanned the parking lot to see if there was a space. I highly doubted it being so class has already started. I spotted an empty space in the next row over and headed for that one. Seconds before I was about to turn in the park sleek black car fishtailed and drove straight in.

"What the hell!" I yelled as I swung out of the drivers side ‘‘that was clearly my park!" Jesse's over 6-foot frame stepped out of the car and hitched his bag over his shoulder. "Snooze you lose" he smirked and turn back and sauntered away. I huffed and climbed back in to find another park.

It took me at least 5 minutes before I could find a suitable park in one of the back streets. My boots clicked on the empty hallway when i walked to homeroom that I was extremely late for. Mr Steir would surely kick my ass for that. I creaked open the door and walked as quickly as i could to my seat in the back next to Tessa, my best friend. She gave me one of her 'Where-the-hell-where-you/I’m-going-to-kill-you' looks, oh and trust me, she does it well.

"Thankyou for joining for joining us Miss Tor" Mr Steir said with fake enthusiasm. I sighed as I took of my shoulder bag and feigned "Oh the pleasure is all mine" with sarcasm dripping from words. Tess giggled into her hands and I turned and kicked her in the leg. Someone cleared their throat from the front of the room and I swivelled around to see the park the next to Mr Steir.

"We have a new student starting here, his name is Jace Nightshade," Mr Steir announced. I shrank back into my desk. This is the last place I want to be right now.

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Vanessa x 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2012 ⏰

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