Well, this is where we begin.

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So, I guess this is where we begin. Just to start this story off right, it's not a story. Well, not all of it. It's truth at least most of it. Didn't I already say that?! This is a story of Middle school. The dreaded two-three years. Four for some of our lesser kind.

We, my friend and I that is, are not necessarily same. We are crazy, weird fangirls. To some of you who may be reading this, you may be one too. I feel that we are the best of our kind. The ones who live in books and reality. Sometimes at the same time.

We write this in our lunch hour of middle school. I'm sure if you are a middle schooler you will understand the living agony of it. Lunch in particular. It's the hardest "class" of all in my perspective. Having to engage in conversation with people you may only know and care about for the next four years.

I'm rather bored at lunch other than writing this or listening to my "music." My friends would say this with air quotations considering my music is different. I listen to very much electronic. Ask and I will tell. Don't and I won't.

It's rather simple don't you figure.

Well, I should start off with a name, shouldn't I? I'm Ellie. Last names aren't important in middle school. I am the only Ellie and it will remain that way. Understood? Good.

Another thing you may find of value, is that I'm not going to be the only one writing this. My best friend Kayla will be writing chapters too. You will find a capital E or K in the beginning of each chapter.

Goodness! I sound like a flight attendant.

On with the story.

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