chapter 9

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*jen's pov*

I wake up with Josh next to me.

It was pretty late and by the beer i

can't remember much.

I look beside me and selee Jena and Sam are on the large air mattress.

They're so cute together.

In addition to Sam is Liam, he's the only who hasn't share an air mattress.

I look at Josh, he's so cute when he sleeps.

I give him a kiss on his cheek and he wake up.

If everyone is awake we have breakfast and we are ready for the beach.

~~~~~~~~~at the beach~~~~~~~~~

It is super busy on the beach.

Jena and i are looking for a quiet spot on so we not be discovered by paparazzi or fans, while Liam, Sam and Josh run by the sea.

While Jena and i are sunbathing, Josh and Sam come come to us and lift us, then they throw us into the sea.

"My hair!!!!!" Jena screams.

She walks over to sam and pushed it underwater, i do the same with Josh.

After a few hours, we go back to our towels and pack our stuff in there.

It's already half past twelve and everyone is hungry.

We are looking for a restaurant on near the beach and order our food.

*jena's pov*

Tomorrow is Jen's birthday.

sam, Josh and i are going to suprise Jen with a party.

The whole hunger games and catching fire cast comes, het family and het friend from Kentucy.

~~~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~~

*jen's pov*

I woke up by kiss from Josh.

"I make pancakes for jou!"Josh said

"Awhhh thanks Josh!" i said to him and kiss him on his cheek.

we're walking downstairs, to the kitchen and i go sit on the table.

Josh is coming towards me and give me the plate with pancakes.

When we finish the pancakes, Josh said me to dress me up.

I go upstairs and put and a short pink on and make smokey eyes.

"are you ready" Josh shouts from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" i yell back.

I run down the stairs.

"omfg you look beautiful!" Josh yells.

"i have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world" Josh whispers to me.

"and i have the most beautiful boyfriend in the world" i whisper to Josh.

He smiles and kiss me on the cheek.

We step in the car and Josh binds a towel for my eyes.

Where are we going? i ask.

"It's a suprise!" Josh says laughing to me.

The car stops and Josh removes my towel.

"Walk inside" Josh says to me.

I walk inside and see all the cast members of the hunger games and catching fire, my family and friends from Kentucy.

Then they start to sing HAPPY BIRHTDAY.

When they finish the song, my family and friends start hugging me.

please vote for this story xxx inge♥

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