Chapter Two

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Huffing before sitting up on my bed, looking over at my sister, who is laid over all crazy like on the other side of the bed. 

Rolling my eyes, taking my pillow smacking her in the head. " wake up ugly, it's time to get ready." she groans and sits up and glares at me. 

" Amethyst, what did I say about waking me up like that??" she says in an annoyed tone. 

" and what did I say about saying my name in that tone, Ruby?" I say back. For some reason, my sister likes to say my name in this weirdass tone. It's like a mom tone and a teacher tone mixed into one. It's annoying because she is only 10 and saying my name in a tone she shouldn't be. 

My sister and I share a room and sometimes she gets scared in her bed and comes in my bed. Which is okay, but sometimes I wish she'd sleep in her own bed. Cause that girl sleeps so wild, but she's my lil buddy. 

As she gets dressed, I go quickly go wake up my brother, turning on his light and then going to the bathroom to go wash my face and brush my teeth.

I have three siblings, Ruby, she's 10. Selkani, he's 11, and then finally Zay, he's 2 years old. I love them a lot but being the older sister of these wild ass kids is hard. Especially when it's like I'm doing everything myself. 

Quickly we all start getting ready for school, doing our own thing. 

" make sure ya'll go brush your teeth and wash your face before we leave, " I say before going to go watch youtube. They roll their eyes and ignore me. 

" rats " I mutter to myself. 

I don't put makeup on, I refuse to put makeup on. What's the point of getting all dressed up for school? It's just school, a place to learn not get all dressed up for. I don't have many clothes and makeup because I don't want to bother my parents with dumb problems when we have bigger problems like bills. I only do makeup and get kinda dressed up if my family and I are going out to a family event or out to eat. But that isn't an always type of thing  

I mean, if I did have good makeup and was REALLY good at it, I would. But I don't, and I'm not that's why I need to get a job to make that shmoney. 

I check the time and gasp, jumping from my bed, grabbing all my stuff running to the front door. 

7:39 am, Shit. 



welcome back guyyyysss! see, the first couple chapter, I want ya'll to get to know her a little bit. Don't worry, when she gets to school that's where all the action is gonna happen. Amethyst is a closed off girl so that's why I wanted you guys to get to know her before she anything else.  so after this, there might not be as detailed after this. Also remember most of her stuff is her THOUGHTS, so yk. Anyways, let me know what ya'll think. sorry for once again another crappy chapter.  

- Angelina 

P.s the girl on the top is not exactly amethyst. I have no idea who she looks like. I think I'm going to leave that up to you guys. Imagine who you think she is.  

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