He Knows

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     Hey Everyone! So, first of all, I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update this story! This chapter is actually a one-shot of Archenemies, not Renegades, so if you haven't read the second book yet, be warned that this story contains spoilers. 

     Also, feel free to suggest any ideas that you may have for future one-shots (and by that I mean please do)


     Nova couldn't believe that she was so close to succeeding. So close. If it hadn't been for the damn Sentinel, the plan would have succeeded. But no, he had to take Ace. He had to take the only family she had, the only family still alive. Even as she recalled it now, two weeks later, she began to tear up at the thought, then scolded herself immediately. Not here, Nova! To distract herself from the tears, she snuggled closer into the tall figure towering over her.

      She was currently standing outside of Max's door in the hospital, with Adrian's dads inside the room. Adrian had his arm wrapped around Nova's shoulders, something that she had become accustomed to, as they had been here every day for 3 weeks now, hoping, praying for Max to wake up.

     He had made it through the surgery just fine, and according to his doctor, his brain activity was normal. He was still alive, and healthy too. But he still wouldn't wake up. And Nova was becoming frustrated by it. After all she had done to save him, he was still unconscious, and though saving him would have meant betraying her mission, she would have done anything for him to be awake right now.

       Nova suddenly became aware of a presence behind her. Spinnng out of Adrian's grasp, she faced Max's doctor, who jumped back slightly at Nova's reaction. Noticing the commotion, Adrian spun around as well, and immediately began to interrogae the doctor. "Anything new, Dr. Demano? Will he wake up? Is he okay?"

     "Calm down, Adrian. He's fine for now, but I think I need to have a talk with your family." As Dr. Demano finished her statement, Hugh and Simon stepped out of the door behind Nova and Adrian. 

     "Dr. Demano, is smething wrong?" Simon questioned, concern quickly spreading across his face. 

     "Well, nothing is wrong right now." she reassured. "But, I'm afraid to say, if Max doesn't wake up within two weeks, we will have to consider unplugging him from the monitors. I'm so sorry." And with a solemn face, Dr. Demano strode away, just as quickly as she had appeared, leaving Max's family alone with the new burden placed upon their shoulders. Nova realized that while she probably couldn't help Simon and Hugh, she could definetely comfort Adrian, so before anyone broke down in the hallway, she tugged on Adrian's arm and motioned for him to follow her.

     They made their way outside, where they often went when the sorrow became too much for Adrian to handle, and leaned against the wall, facing the parking lot. Nova looked up at Adrian, who seemed to be on the verge of tears, and gave him a hug, trying to calm him. "Hey, Adrian, it's okay. We both know how strong Max is - he'll be fine."

     "But I don't know if he will be fine, Nova, and that's the problem. I wasn't there for him, and because of that, Nightmare got to him before I did." Adrian's eyes welled up. "I'm scared, Nova, and I can't even see him in person because Nightmare took the vitality charm. She took EVERYTHING FROM ME, AND I SWEAR IF MAX DOESN'T WAKE UP I WILL - "

     "Adrian," Nova tried to make her voice as soothing as possible. "Let's go home. I think you need some rest." By home, Nova was referencing Adrian's house, where she had been staying on and off for the past couple of weeks. Adrian nodded solemnly, and they began the short walk back to the Everhart mansion. Somewhere along the way, Nova's fingers managed to intertwine with Adrian's hand.

----------------TIME SKIP ;)-------------------

     A week after Dr. Demano told the Everhart family that all their hope may soon be lost, Nova sat next to Adrian on the same couch where they shared their first, and second, and third kisses, watching some random channel on television. Of course, neither one of them were paying any attention to what was going on around them, Adrian lost in the depths of his mind and Nova focused soley on his drooping face, his broken eyes. As both of them lost themselves to the ure nothingness occupying their thoughts, a shout from above shook them from their thoughts, or rather, lack of thoughts. 

     "Guys! The hosital called! Max seems to be waking up!" As he was shouting the words, the sound of footsteps made it clear that Hugh was rushing to get ready. Nova and Adrian shot up fro the couch and ran to the stairs, and as Adrian turned to run up, Nova yanked his arm and turned him around so he was facing her. 

     Nova smashed her lips to his quickly and stopped just as soon, breathless nonetheless. "For good luck." she whisered before rushing up the stairs, dragging Adrian behind her. Adrian and Nova hadn't kissed since the ball, an eterity ago, too consumed in their grief, so, short as the kiss was, it sent fire running through Nova's blood. 

     The Everhart family and Nova grabbed their shoes and rushed out the door, almost leaving the door unlocked in their rush to make it to Max, to see him, to have hope again.

---------Another Time Skip :P----------

     "Dr. Demano!!!" Simon yelled as they slid into Max's room. The doctor was standing in the corner, and as she heard her name announced, she sprang up. "How is Max?"

    "Look!" The doctor gestured toward the wall keeping the group's powers safe, and behind it, the familiar generic hosptal bed. In it, a small figure was sitting up, watching the bunch with a smile on his face.


     Max was awake.

     Nova, still in shock, turned to Adrian, whose eyes lit up like a christmas tree, tears flowing freely. Adrian approached the dividing wall in the plain room, keeping his eyes focused on the bed, as if he thought that Max was an illusion, something that could dissapear at any moment. As Adrian began talking, so quietly only Max could hear, Nova felt a tap on her arm. She spun around to face Captain Chronium, who gestured to the door. "We sould give Adrian and Max their space." He declared as he marched outside, Simon not too far behind. Nova took one last look at the scene unfolding behind her, letting a single tear slip out of her eyes as she turned the handle to leave.

-------Last One (Time Skip) :(--------

     After the Everharts all had a chance to talk to their awaken 4th member, Nova tentatively stepped towards the door. She glanced behind her to see if she could, and after getting a nod from Simon, she stepped into the room. "Max!" she exclaimed. "How are you?"

     "Good, but a little tired. I'm just glad that I'm alive." And with that, they continued to talk, Nova, for the most part, not sure what to say. Just as she bid Max goodbye and tured to leave, Max called out behind her. "Wait, Nova! There's one more thing!"

     Nova reapproached the dividing wall, and as she did so, Max leaned in as close as he could with the huge piece of glass between them. "I just wanted to thank you, Nova."

     "Thank me for what?" Nova tred her best to look shocked.

     "Nova, I know. I know who you really are." Max said whispering in case a nurse walked by. "Don't worry, Nova. Or, should I say Nightmare. Either way, I just wanted to thank you." And with that, Nova walked off, her heavy footsteps and drooping shoulders focused on one sole thought. He knows.

     He knows.

Once again, thank you so much for reading! If you have any suggesstions, PLEASE tell me. 


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